Zako (4 Viewers)


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
Found this Japanese game, I have no idea what's going on but here's a link to the game with a youtube video too

excessm is a blogger who draw many zako from many game series, like Tales Of series and Final Fantasy. Never known he made a doujin game like this.
Anyway, if you want to try the demo, there is a link at ダウンロード tab.

...And last but not least the kunoichi zako that are featured in Heavenly Sword. Though they are featured barely, one mission has you pitted against hundreds of them and the executions are sexy seeing as it is a next gen game
Kunoichi in Heavenly Sword can perform reversal reversal move if Nariko failed QTE during that reversal. Though I want to see that too, I don't own the console.

So when does a zako become a villainess? When she is idolised (ala Poison fandom?) or the focus of attention with an independent role or bio? Does a zako have to be a recurring character like in most side-scrollers? (Poison in Final Fight). Maybe I'm over-thinking this, and all bad women in these games and movies are to be enjoyed as they are.
I can't tell for sure too. Maybe when she is idolised like Poison.
Poison still falls into zako for me and many fans though. That is her prominence role, I assume. Well, both zako and villainess can be enjoyed in the same way.

I actually like seeing the struggle for control between hero and zako; I'm not as big of a fan of one sided encounters. As an extension of that, I like seeing a variety in who comes out on top in the end ^^
That's the best part in fighting with strong zako.

From PS3 or Xbox360 only Condemned 2, they are really hot in twisted way. just skip to 4:40
Look like someone talk about this game several pages ago and I think zombies aren't my thing :brains...!:
But they are twisted sexy.

Looks like Linda in DD:Neon get a boobs physic :nose bleed: Hope she will get a new attack like jumping attack or finisher after stunning you.
By the way, I once play Double Dragons game for iPhone/iPad. The game have 2 female booses, 2 Linda type zako and a 3 new zako who can punch, kick or split kick you.

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Club Regular
Dec 19, 2011
@Nnin they dont move and sounds like zombies and far from rotting, but they are a bit too dirty. The thing is you can do some grabs on them.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 20, 2011
By the way, I once play Double Dragons game for iPhone/iPad. The game have 2 female booses, 2 Linda type zako and a 3 new zako who can punch, kick or split kick you.

I have that one! It's not too shabby of a remake, though the controls at the bottom of the screen stick out like a sore thumb and aren't too responsive. That best part is that you can unlock the bosses and enemies as well, so you can even play as zako. ;)
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Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
Thanks all for the links etc!

Ohh I love that zako throwing! What a cute zako! I know nothing about the game but I want to play it now! :D


Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
I can't believe I forgot to post this! A while ago on DeviantART I was speaking to a 3D modeller who offered me a free request; so I chose my first and still one of my favourite zako crushes - Nora (aka Queen) from Streets Of Rage 1. Not 100% sure on all the lacing on the boots; but it's not a bad imagining of her! Would love to have seen the black and creamy-white uniformed versions, too. Anyway, enjoy!

1 Nora Front.jpg 2 Nora Right Side.jpg 3 Nora Back.jpg 4 Nora Left Side.jpg

Double click each image a few times for the full views. :]


  • 1norafront.jpg
    122.6 KB · Views: 388


Club Regular
Dec 19, 2011
She looks really hot specially from this original Japanese version of Bare Knuckle cover art. Too bad it only shows the upper body.


warning, slightly off topic below....

Damn I wish someone can turn GTA San Andreas into a quasi beat em up game replacing a lot of characters with well known beat em up characters. They have scripting capability they can add fighting moves.

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Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
Hot DAMN. Linda does look smoking. While this is unlikely, I hope that Marian is an unlockable character. That screen is obviously the iconic "belly punch" from the original (and it looks good), but I'd be beside myself if she were playable.

I would never get anywhere playing as her, I would have her get creamed every time!

As for Streets of Rage, I always liked beating the crap out of the cop girls. I wish you could play as them...


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 20, 2011
Wow. Nora looks smoking there. I actually downloaded Streets of Rage Remake v5 with SoRMaker last night and threw together a level that starts with a whole crowd of Noras. The flexibility of SoRMaker is pretty awesome. The concept of making GTA San Andreas into essentially a 3D beat 'em up sounds pretty cool, too.

@Raden: Yeah, me too. There's no way I'd make it past the first level, unless there's a part of a level that has a crowd of Lindas you can have her go up against. Now that'd be irresistible.
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Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
Wow. Nora looks smoking there. I actually downloaded Streets of Rage Remake v5 with SoRMaker last night and threw together a level that starts with a whole crowd of Noras. The flexibility of SoRMaker is pretty awesome. The concept of making GTA San Andreas into essentially a 3D beat 'em up sounds pretty cool, too.

@Raden: Yeah, me too. There's no way I'd make it past the first level, unless there's a part of a level that has a crowd of Lindas you can have her go up against. Now that'd be irresistible.

The only way I would make it past the first level is if there is a later boss I want to see destroy her.

edit: Kind of like in Final Fight 2... I was awesome with Haggar, but when it came to playing as Maki, her journey ended at the end of stage 2 every time... can't imagine why. >:)
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Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
Oh no problem... except your link isn't working. xD

Weird, works for me...

I didn't wanna do this cause the picture is fucking massive, but if it doesn't work otherwise...


It's on my Photobucket, NOW it should work
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Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
fuck it I will just put it on my Photobucket, Jesus I hate technology sometimes

gimme a sec

edit: k the link to my Photobucket was edited in
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Vivacious Visitor
Feb 7, 2012
OH, HER! Yeah.. I assume she's some sort of summoned minion. Just by the fact that the picture below is of a similar creature.

And your old links also do not work. makes access limit which is not common.
I found such cases in so many BBS..


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 20, 2011
It works for me.

And with a chick with a bod like that, you can derail the topic as many times as you'd like for all I care. :D


Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
She looks really hot specially from this original Japanese version of Bare Knuckle cover art. Too bad it only shows the upper body.

View attachment 13418

Ah wow!! I've seen smaller cropped versions before.. hot damn! I like! Thanks for sharing; it's pretty accurate to the game, too. What a find, where did you find it? I like this more than the 3D imagining of her I posted, as she looks less spikey, more kinky and as the replacement and fake 'cop' role she has, fitting into the story and themes of the game.

Is it possible a full-length exists of that art? I'd pay to have it!

As for Streets of Rage, I always liked beating the crap out of the cop girls. I wish you could play as them...

Me too, very enjoyable. Even for someone who prefers it the other way usually; I wonder if there is any way to hack the game file to allow this? I don't know much about that stuff but you can get hacked r** files I do believe ... I would love to see that.

Wow. Nora looks smoking there. I actually downloaded Streets of Rage Remake v5 with SoRMaker last night and threw together a level that starts with a whole crowd of Noras. The flexibility of SoRMaker is pretty awesome. The concept of making GTA San Andreas into essentially a 3D beat 'em up sounds pretty cool, too.

Wow, please share! You should upload all your creations for us to enjoy! :grin:


and hey, no problem on derailing.. the more posts here the better! :have a nice day:


Club Regular
Dec 19, 2011
@dynamite i got it from street of rage online. This is probably a manual scan on japanese version, the crop out one probably from front japanese cover. The north american packaging version sucks. Im sure whoever developed this fame have the full figure version.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 20, 2011
New Double Dragon game, will be out in june:

Double Dragon Neon Video Game, PAX East 12: Gameplay Part I (Cam) | Video Clip | Game Trailers & Videos |

I actually like their new linda redesign. plus you can punch downed enemies.

Linda looks so delicious in this game. Can't wait until June.

@DynamiteFetish: It really isn't much to share. I just clicked and dragged a bunch of Nora zakos into the first frame, hit save, then booted up the game and went to town with Rudra getting whipped left and right while administering a little punishment on the naughty ladies themselves. It takes an all of a minute or so to prepare. Nothing special.


Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
Idoro, I also like those two zako, especially the one from Mystic Riders; it's crazy how her clothes get blown off from her own bomb. I just wish those two zako would do more than simply throw bombs and then run away.

Hyper Zealot, I used Streets of Rage Maker to create stages filled with female enemies, although my preference is for Soozie/Garnet over Nora or Electra. Still, you can do a lot with that engine. Let me know if you come up with anything!


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 20, 2011
Hyper Zealot, I used Streets of Rage Maker to create stages filled with female enemies, although my preference is for Soozie/Garnet over Nora or Electra. Still, you can do a lot with that engine. Let me know if you come up with anything!

Hey, Soozie's a hottie too, IMO. She has one killer bod. I like incorporating her, too. I'll have to mess with SoRMaker again and see what I can come up with. It's an impressive little program.

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