Zako (38 Viewers)


Master of this Domain
May 26, 2015
Can't search for this title - engine says it is too short... so apologies if it has been posted before. Anyhow, AXE COP!
This 2015 cartoon written by a 5-year old but not really for kids has a lot of bad guys and bad girls, and as we know, Axe Cop's only solution to villainy is to kill them all and ask questions never, usually by chopping heads off. Quite a lot of bad girls got their heads lopped off or otherwise disposed in the show. Here is some from Season 1.

Axe Cop tells the story of his ancestor, Book Cop and how he beat the british, while holding a party. As an ending surprise though he reveals he poisoned the cake and invited only badguys - including some quite nice ladies so he can poison them, while Flute Cop asks (in vain) how he knew he and the other heroes would not eat from the cake... :D Some nice tongue lolling expressions there.
Axe Cop - S01E03 - An American Story.mkv_[2020.10.26_21.50.52].jpg Axe Cop - S01E03 - An American Story.mkv_[2020.10.26_21.51.08].jpg Axe Cop - S01E03 - An American Story.mkv_[2020.10.26_21.49.47].jpg Axe Cop - S01E03 - An American Story.mkv_[2020.10.26_21.49.52].jpg Axe Cop - S01E03 - An American Story.mkv_[2020.10.26_21.49.54].jpg Axe Cop - S01E03 - An American Story.mkv_[2020.10.26_21.49.58].jpg Axe Cop - S01E03 - An American Story.mkv_[2020.10.26_21.50.23].jpg Axe Cop - S01E03 - An American Story.mkv_[2020.10.26_21.50.24].jpg Axe Cop - S01E03 - An American Story.mkv_[2020.10.26_21.50.25].jpg Axe Cop - S01E03 - An American Story.mkv_[2020.10.26_21.50.26].jpg Axe Cop - S01E03 - An American Story.mkv_[2020.10.26_21.50.32].jpg Axe Cop - S01E03 - An American Story.mkv_[2020.10.26_21.50.33].jpg Axe Cop - S01E03 - An American Story.mkv_[2020.10.26_21.50.34].jpg Axe Cop - S01E03 - An American Story.mkv_[2020.10.26_21.50.35].jpg
A young couple is getting romantic in a car when Axe Cop shows out of nowhere and beheads the black girl, to her partner's shock. He then explains to him she was a villainess called Poison Poison who uses poison punches to kill people... while all the while her headless corpse keeps pushing the car horn with her boobs.
Axe Cop - S01E04 - Babysitter Uni-Baby.mkv_[2020.10.26_21.51.53].jpg Axe Cop - S01E04 - Babysitter Uni-Baby.mkv_[2020.10.26_21.51.54].jpg Axe Cop - S01E04 - Babysitter Uni-Baby.mkv_[2020.10.26_21.52.06].jpg Axe Cop - S01E04 - Babysitter Uni-Baby.mkv_[2020.10.26_21.52.08].jpg Axe Cop - S01E04 - Babysitter Uni-Baby.mkv_[2020.10.26_21.52.12].jpg Axe Cop - S01E04 - Babysitter Uni-Baby.mkv_[2020.10.26_21.52.14].jpg Axe Cop - S01E04 - Babysitter Uni-Baby.mkv_[2020.10.26_21.52.16].jpg Axe Cop - S01E04 - Babysitter Uni-Baby.mkv_[2020.10.26_21.52.19].jpg Axe Cop - S01E04 - Babysitter Uni-Baby.mkv_[2020.10.26_21.52.30].jpg Axe Cop - S01E04 - Babysitter Uni-Baby.mkv_[2020.10.26_21.52.32].jpg Axe Cop - S01E04 - Babysitter Uni-Baby.mkv_[2020.10.26_21.52.35].jpg Axe Cop - S01E04 - Babysitter Uni-Baby.mkv_[2020.10.26_21.52.40].jpg Axe Cop - S01E04 - Babysitter Uni-Baby.mkv_[2020.10.26_21.52.43].jpg Axe Cop - S01E04 - Babysitter Uni-Baby.mkv_[2020.10.26_21.52.48].jpg Axe Cop - S01E04 - Babysitter Uni-Baby.mkv_[2020.10.26_21.52.50].jpg Axe Cop - S01E04 - Babysitter Uni-Baby.mkv_[2020.10.26_21.52.51].jpg Axe Cop - S01E04 - Babysitter Uni-Baby.mkv_[2020.10.26_21.52.53].jpg

Axe Cop snuck into a villain convention inside a cake, and uses a super move to add hundreds to blades to his axe so he can chop everyone's head off with one swing... including same badgirls, one dressed as a nun.
Axe Cop - S01E06 - The Rabbit Who Broke All The Rules.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.02.44].jpg Axe Cop - S01E06 - The Rabbit Who Broke All The Rules.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.02.52].jpg Axe Cop - S01E06 - The Rabbit Who Broke All The Rules.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.02.59].jpg Axe Cop - S01E06 - The Rabbit Who Broke All The Rules.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.03.06].jpg Axe Cop - S01E06 - The Rabbit Who Broke All The Rules.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.03.08].jpg

Axe Cop fights some badguys on a pier and uses an energy drink to become super fast and turn his axe invisible as he dashes through them, chopping off all their heads. You can see a nice Catwoman-like villainess on the right in fishnet stockings and horned mask before her head falls off and she topples over.
Axe Cop - S01E06 - The Rabbit Who Broke All The Rules.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.03.51].jpg Axe Cop - S01E06 - The Rabbit Who Broke All The Rules.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.03.58].jpg Axe Cop - S01E06 - The Rabbit Who Broke All The Rules.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.04.00].jpg Axe Cop - S01E06 - The Rabbit Who Broke All The Rules.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.04.02].jpg Axe Cop - S01E06 - The Rabbit Who Broke All The Rules.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.04.04].jpg Axe Cop - S01E06 - The Rabbit Who Broke All The Rules.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.04.06].jpg Axe Cop - S01E06 - The Rabbit Who Broke All The Rules.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.04.07].jpg Axe Cop - S01E06 - The Rabbit Who Broke All The Rules.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.04.22].jpg Axe Cop - S01E06 - The Rabbit Who Broke All The Rules.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.04.23].jpg Axe Cop - S01E06 - The Rabbit Who Broke All The Rules.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.04.24].jpg Axe Cop - S01E06 - The Rabbit Who Broke All The Rules.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.04.28].jpg

The Evil Red-Headed Woman - yes, that is really her name. She sure is crazy-looking but very voluptuous. After Axe Cops kills her children (since they were evil and that's how nuanced Axe Cop's morals are... reminds me of a certain elderly Jedi master, hmmm) she plans to travel back in time and turn all animals evil so all humans will become evil too. She actually succeeds, and sics the evil animals on Axe Cop and Super Axe, though they behead them all. She then attacks them riding a gorilla riding a lion riding an elephant - to stop such a potent combo the heroes combine their axes to a diamond axe that slices her and the animals into vertical slices.
Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.13.43].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.14.16].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.14.17].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.14.18].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.14.19].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.14.20].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.14.21].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.14.22].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.14.23].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.14.24].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.14.25].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.14.26].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.14.27].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.14.43].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.16.00].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.16.01].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.16.03].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.16.05].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.16.08].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.16.09].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.16.15].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.16.17].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.16.27].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.16.28].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.16.29].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.16.30].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.16.34].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.16.36].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.16.44].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.16.45].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.17.11].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.17.12].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.17.16].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.17.34].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.17.37].jpg Axe Cop - S01E08 - Super Axe.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.17.38].jpg

Lastly, the ones you might be familiar with already and I wonder why they have not gotten fanart already by zako artists... the BOBs!
Given his macho violent ways it should come as no surprise that Axe Cop is also a raging misogynist, believing "girls are dumb" and refusing to have them on his team. A chance meeting with BOB and her many, MANY twins (or sisters, or clones, who knows?) They are cheerleader-uniformed sexy blondes in purple sports bras and miniskirts (you can see the panties are purple too in some shots) and white sports shoes, wearing domino masks. BOB stands for Beautiful Girly Bob which their unimaginative parents named ALL of them as. When Axe Cop calls them dumb and says he will not let them join, they all attack him, and he punches or tackles them all, and uses one of them as a thrown weapon to knock out the legion of BOBs like bowling pins in an epic scene where they all end up lying around in nice Delmo style poses, legs up.
As the press was on hand, this makes Axe Cop and team look bad in the papers, though. So grudgingly, to prove he can have a girl on his team, Axe Cop basically snatches Best Fairy Ever from her TV show through the screen and enlists her. While she is a great fighter, she constantly irritates the business-minded Axe Cop with her flirting and girly things and he ends up hurting her feelings.
One BOB - who got a scar on her face - recovers and plans her revenge on Axe Cop, kidnapping Best Fairy Ever and suspending her above a shark tank. She boasts Axe Cop cannot beat her up and face bad press, so he just frees Best Fairy Ever, who beats up the BOB and then wants to throw her to the sharks. However Axe Cop stops her saying she is not evil, just dumb - because she is a girl... So she just gets thrown off into the distance. :D
Axe Cop - S01E12 - The Dumb List.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.31.20].jpg Axe Cop - S01E12 - The Dumb List.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.31.21].jpg Axe Cop - S01E12 - The Dumb List.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.31.23].jpg Axe Cop - S01E12 - The Dumb List.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.31.25].jpg Axe Cop - S01E12 - The Dumb List.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.31.26].jpg Axe Cop - S01E12 - The Dumb List.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.31.27].jpg Axe Cop - S01E12 - The Dumb List.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.31.29].jpg Axe Cop - S01E12 - The Dumb List.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.31.30].jpg Axe Cop - S01E12 - The Dumb List.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.31.35].jpg Axe Cop - S01E12 - The Dumb List.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.31.39].jpg Axe Cop - S01E12 - The Dumb List.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.31.42].jpg Axe Cop - S01E12 - The Dumb List.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.31.45].jpg Axe Cop - S01E12 - The Dumb List.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.31.46].jpg Axe Cop - S01E12 - The Dumb List.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.31.47].jpg Axe Cop - S01E12 - The Dumb List.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.31.48].jpg Axe Cop - S01E12 - The Dumb List.mkv_[2020.10.26_22.31.49].jpg Axe Cop - 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Kristopher Prime

Club Regular
Dec 21, 2015
Can't search for this title - engine says it is too short... so apologies if it has been posted before. Anyhow, AXE COP!
This 2015 cartoon written by a 5-year old but not really for kids has a lot of bad guys and bad girls, and as we know, Axe Cop's only solution to villainy is to kill them all and ask questions never, usually by chopping heads off. Quite a lot of bad girls got their heads lopped off or otherwise disposed in the show. Here is some from Season 1.

Axe Cop tells the story of his ancestor, Book Cop and how he beat the british, while holding a party. As an ending surprise though he reveals he poisoned the cake and invited only badguys - including some quite nice ladies so he can poison them, while Flute Cop asks (in vain) how he knew he and the other heroes would not eat from the cake... :D Some nice tongue lolling expressions there.
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A young couple is getting romantic in a car when Axe Cop shows out of nowhere and beheads the black girl, to her partner's shock. He then explains to him she was a villainess called Poison Poison who uses poison punches to kill people... while all the while her headless corpse keeps pushing the car horn with her boobs.
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Axe Cop snuck into a villain convention inside a cake, and uses a super move to add hundreds to blades to his axe so he can chop everyone's head off with one swing... including same badgirls, one dressed as a nun.
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Axe Cop fights some badguys on a pier and uses an energy drink to become super fast and turn his axe invisible as he dashes through them, chopping off all their heads. You can see a nice Catwoman-like villainess on the right in fishnet stockings and horned mask before her head falls off and she topples over.
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The Evil Red-Headed Woman - yes, that is really her name. She sure is crazy-looking but very voluptuous. After Axe Cops kills her children (since they were evil and that's how nuanced Axe Cop's morals are... reminds me of a certain elderly Jedi master, hmmm) she plans to travel back in time and turn all animals evil so all humans will become evil too. She actually succeeds, and sics the evil animals on Axe Cop and Super Axe, though they behead them all. She then attacks them riding a gorilla riding a lion riding an elephant - to stop such a potent combo the heroes combine their axes to a diamond axe that slices her and the animals into vertical slices.
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Lastly, the ones you might be familiar with already and I wonder why they have not gotten fanart already by zako artists... the BOBs!
Given his macho violent ways it should come as no surprise that Axe Cop is also a raging misogynist, believing "girls are dumb" and refusing to have them on his team. A chance meeting with BOB and her many, MANY twins (or sisters, or clones, who knows?) They are cheerleader-uniformed sexy blondes in purple sports bras and miniskirts (you can see the panties are purple too in some shots) and white sports shoes, wearing domino masks. BOB stands for Beautiful Girly Bob which their unimaginative parents named ALL of them as. When Axe Cop calls them dumb and says he will not let them join, they all attack him, and he punches or tackles them all, and uses one of them as a thrown weapon to knock out the legion of BOBs like bowling pins in an epic scene where they all end up lying around in nice Delmo style poses, legs up.
As the press was on hand, this makes Axe Cop and team look bad in the papers, though. So grudgingly, to prove he can have a girl on his team, Axe Cop basically snatches Best Fairy Ever from her TV show through the screen and enlists her. While she is a great fighter, she constantly irritates the business-minded Axe Cop with her flirting and girly things and he ends up hurting her feelings.
One BOB - who got a scar on her face - recovers and plans her revenge on Axe Cop, kidnapping Best Fairy Ever and suspending her above a shark tank. She boasts Axe Cop cannot beat her up and face bad press, so he just frees Best Fairy Ever, who beats up the BOB and then wants to throw her to the sharks. However Axe Cop stops her saying she is not evil, just dumb - because she is a girl... So she just gets thrown off into the distance. :D
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if i were axe cop, i would have recruited the BOBS to my team. they may not be good fighters, but it wouldn't hurt to have cannon fodder, especially considering certain "qualities" they all share. just make it clear that there isn't a garantee they would all survive.


Swell Supporter
Jul 30, 2016
Axe cop Bobs
The comic book only has one panel on this and is not worth looking for but here is the episode



Master of this Domain
Oct 1, 2017
The monster girl RPG made by the same guy who did those awesome Aika fanarts and the Sailor Moon fangame is going to be released on the next day! If anyone is able to buy this game, please give it to me. I'm going to extract all of the hentai CGs from this game!



Master of this Domain
Mar 16, 2012
The monster girl RPG made by the same guy who did those awesome Aika fanarts and the Sailor Moon fangame is going to be released on the next day! If anyone is able to buy this game, please give it to me. I'm going to extract all of the hentai CGs from this game!

I have this game now!! Contact me as soon as possible!!


Master of this Domain
Oct 1, 2017
Invader Girls VS The Prince
Tsukachan Tsukachan is right!!
I played it for a while... A truly masterpiece!!
I recorded few story and H scene, please check them out!!

Prince defeated Kung Fu girl.
Prince versus Killer Racoon
Prince's first date...

Game creator's Pixiv and blog:
PIXIV - 78

I already played it too, and the Kung Fu/Kempo girl is my favorite zako in the game. Her name is Suzaku though.
She's pretty thicc and muscular, but she was pretty easy to defeat! Sadly she wasn't fucked by the prince. I would've love to see her abs!

But if Suzaku defeats the prince, she will grab his small penis with her muscular hands and use a backbreaker on him.

Fun fact: Suzaku was inspired by the Kempo girl from Aika R-16 who was defeated with a golf club into her skull.

The artist, 78 used to drew her few years ago. I really love how he made her from a normal girl into a muscular and buxom fighter with meaty arms and legs, well-toned abs, large breasts and a pair of boomerang panties that replaces her normal panties.

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Master of this Domain
Mar 16, 2012
I will study two cases for you~
Prince versus Killer Racoon

The monster girl "Racoon Killer" given order by Amazoness army to take the orphanage's young men as hostage.

The amazon commander left Racoon Killer to fight the prince.

After the prince defeated her, they decided to take her custody temporary at that night. A young boy watched her unconscious body and think "This damn monster... Her boobs look so big...":

At the night, the boy asked prince to help him sex with Racoon Killer. "She is a defeated monster, so it's our right to do whatever to her! And I just wanna experience sex with a proper tool!"

The shotacon monster girl can not resist being such a closed contact with two young boys. They spent a good time before she transfer into prisoner camp as a war criminal.

And you can see her at the camp, nothing bad happened to her, the prince just want to prevent these danger female enemies escaped.
unknown (2).png

This game has really satisfied H event recall mechanic.
Unlike other RPG Maker game, it actually let the enemies lived in the area, when the prince visited them, he remembered his first contact with her.
Very realistic way to deal the H scene replay, unlike some boring crystals storage room in normal RPG!!
unknown (3).png

The prince hated these invaders, but they are also pretty girls. So he ignored army general's suggestion and didn't kill them in battle. Just captured them for a possible force to rebuild his country after war.


Master of this Domain
Oct 1, 2017
I will study two cases for you~
Prince versus Killer Racoon

The monster girl "Racoon Killer" given order by Amazoness army to take the orphanage's young men as hostage.
View attachment 114283

The amazon commander left Racoon Killer to fight the prince.
View attachment 114287

After the prince defeated her, they decided to take her custody temporary at that night. A young boy watched her unconscious body and think "This damn monster... Her boobs look so big...":
View attachment 114286

At the night, the boy asked prince to help him sex with Racoon Killer. "She is a defeated monster, so it's our right to do whatever to her! And I just wanna experience sex with a proper tool!"
View attachment 114285

The shotacon monster girl can not resist being such a closed contact with two young boys. They spent a good time before she transfer into prisoner camp as a war criminal.
View attachment 114284

And you can see her at the camp, nothing bad happened to her, the prince just want to prevent these danger female enemies escaped.
View attachment 114289

This game has really satisfied H event recall mechanic.
Unlike other RPG Maker game, it actually let the enemies lived in the area, when the prince visited them, he remembered his first contact with her.
Very realistic way to deal the H scene replay, unlike some boring crystals storage room in normal RPG!!
View attachment 114288

The prince hated these invaders, but they are also pretty girls. So he ignored army general's suggestion and didn't kill them in battle. Just captured them for a possible force to rebuild his country after war.

That is one thicc raccoon!! I'm not a furry but I would love to fuck her!!


Master of this Domain
Mar 16, 2012
Prince's first date...
A nice side story~
The prince want to enter the city that Amazoness Pierrot Corps controlled, he need a pierrot trooper's uniform to disguise.

When he back to refugee camp to figure that out, a swimsuit girl told the prince that she loves him. They decided to date on a beach to sure if they fits each other or not.

The prince was tempted by the girl for her hand job and love confession
unknown (4).png

And the prince agreed to give his virgin(yes, even harassed dozen of female soldiers and monster girls, he is still a cherry boy...) to her when they back to the camp.

He go to fitting room first to sneak the underwear of his lover, but he found out that in her normal outfits, there is a pierrot suit under her dress.
unknown (5).png

As she can't not remain her cover any longer, she told the prince that she is a Pierrot Sargent of Pierrot Corp, her purpose is cheating the prince and making him to Pierrot Trooper's slave.
unknown (6).png

Her despicable conspiracy enrage the prince, and he decided to beat her really hard!
unknown (7).png

After the prince defeated her, he found out that her clown suit can let him disguised as one of them.
unknown (8).png

So he undressed this evil zako.
unknown (9).png

He though that's not enough humiliating for her. So he grab her panty, too. As trophy.
System message: You obtain the equipment "The white panty smell like betrayal"!
unknown (10).png

Then his rage made him punish her further for her crime.
unknown (11).png

After he released his rage, he sent this unconscious trooper to prison camp.
unknown (12).png

A very satisfied minor zako side story for me!!


Swell Supporter
Aug 11, 2018
Wonder if any of you guys get a hold of this Voice Drama and the images?




Club Regular
Jul 21, 2012
Wonder if any of you guys get a hold of this Voice Drama and the images?

View attachment 114580

I did. The voice clip are literally just some voice actress scolding you lol


Master of this Domain
May 26, 2015
More like a jaded girlfriend than a zako, but given how easily she is defeated and how sexy she is, thought to include her...
Cookie Baboom, from The Mask. She is an exotic dancer and ex-girlfriend of the mayor, who decides to take her revenge for him dumping her by blowing him up... and does this by approaching him dressed in a trenchcoat, dropping it and revealing she wears nothing by dynamite belts strapped around her waist and boobs. :D
The Mask, to get the feather from his cap back from the mayor, pretends to be a waiter and prepares a "bikini cocktail" for the mayor by spinning Cookie around and ripping off the dynamite belts and dropping them in a blender. When Lt Kellaway arrives to arrest the Mask, he stops Cookie from spinning, exposing her naked body to the cops who practically melt away seeing her nude... giving Cookie a chance to put her coat back and run away.

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Master of this Domain
May 26, 2015
Seems like Diablo Immortal will have some nice female enemies. An article mentions both a cult dedicated to the Countess as well as Corrupted Rogues, don't know which ones these are. There are a few types, including archers with horned helmets and ponytails, a spear and lamp wielding sorceress, and a heavily armored zako with sword and shield.

Diablo Immortal Alpha (7).png Diablo Immortal Alpha (16).png Diablo Immortal Alpha (17).png Diablo Immortal Alpha (18).png Diablo Immortal Alpha (19).png Diablo Immortal Alpha (20).png Diablo Immortal Alpha (21).png Diablo Immortal Alpha (22).png Diablo Immortal Alpha (23).png Diablo Immortal Alpha (24).png Diablo Immortal Alpha (25).png Diablo Immortal Alpha (26).png


Master of this Domain
Dec 9, 2015
If the zako, male or female, have long white hair, I'm sold anyways...hope they are common and not specific to one zone

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