Zako (3 Viewers)


Casual Client
May 14, 2016
Anime karasu tengi kabuto heroins vs kunoichi

fight begin in 19:29

Yeah this was posted before. She looks nice, reminds me of the dog-cyborg ladies from Cobra. They have some ridiculous powers, though. Anime makes ninjas seem like basically Superman, they pull a new power out of their ass every minute. :D


Master of this Domain
Feb 7, 2017
Yeah this was posted before. She looks nice, reminds me of the dog-cyborg ladies from Cobra. They have some ridiculous powers, though. Anime makes ninjas seem like basically Superman, they pull a new power out of their ass every minute. :D
the mangaka is the same of Cobra, here there are fights fem vs fem, I have have hope see Dominik or other babe vs sandra or vs snow gorillas.


Avid Affiliate
Jun 28, 2019
Blonde queen(It's a pity she never bacame the hero‘s girlfind)

A asian girl is extremly sexy(It's a pity she never bacame the hero‘s girlfind)

The series of animation and comic are so hot.

Any idea if this video is watchable somewhere else?


Master of this Domain
May 26, 2015
I have not seen anyone post this/these sexy robot girls yet - Ilsa, the bodyguard of Steve Jobs parody Barry Ditmer, from Dan Vs Technology. He tries taking over the world with mind control technology and after Elise destroys Ilsa, it is revealed she has been mass produced. They all blow up at the end after Barry's crazed ex-partner throws an Ilsa into the main computer.
Ilsa.png Ilsa2.jpg
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Any idea if this video is watchable somewhere else?


Master of this Domain
May 26, 2015
Just FYKI, the old japanese Zako forums are now gone, but a new one popped up.

This gal looks really amazing. Anyone has the anime she is from?
Last edited:


Club Regular
Aug 10, 2011


Master of this Domain
May 26, 2015
Still staying with anime - some demon ladies from Demon Slayer. I think they count as zakos because while some of them have names, they are all little fish and don't last longer than an episode.

"Mother Spider" demoness - great boobs on this girl. As expected she has spider web powers that lets her control people like marionettes. Is somewhat crazy and is so afraid of her 'husband' - another demon who forces them to be a family - that she actually lets herself be killed by the slayer so she can be free.
Mother_Demon_Spider_Anime.png Mother_Spider_Demon_controlling_her_dolls.png Mother_Spider_Demon_getting_serious.png Mother_Spider_Demon_killed_by_Tanjiro's_Fifth_Form.png Mother_Spider_Demon_threatened_by_Rui.png

Susamaru - a one episode wonder, she is nicely buff and muscled. Can grow 6 arms and uses some magic balls to attack with. Gets tied up in bouncing the balls back and forth between the demon sister of the slayer kid, and dies in a really dumb way - a good demon uses blood magic to make her slip up and say the name of her boss, who has cursed all his underlings to die if they say his name, 'cause his blood is inside all demons. Giant arms burst out of her body and crush her.
Susamaru_and_Yahaba_attacking_Tamayo's_house.png Susamaru_attacking_Tanjiro.gif Susamaru_getting_serious-0.png Furious_match_between_Nezuko_and_Susamaru.gif Kibutsuji's_curse_affects_Susamaru.png Tanjiro_slicing_Susamaru's_hands_off.png

maybe this one will do..

Thanks, but the videos won't play. I cannot even click on them... EDIT: seems I need to disable adblock and go through an annoyingly long number of ads and anti-bot stuff to get to play them, but I cannot even download the videos...
Here, this place works with adblock and you can download the video.


Master of this Domain
May 26, 2015
Bruh, looking up hentai on regular anime page. Totally mad lad =))
In my defense, I never knew it was a hentai... ;) I mean just because the zako shows up nude means little, regular anime has nudity all the time.
Btw, here are her scenes, she is called Quon. I don't pretend I understand the story at all, but she attacks the main heroine (a prostitute) for some reason using these silly super strong super sharp wires that anime loves so much (in reality, quite impossible weapons that'd just as soon cut your fingers off) and she stupidly runs away to the top of a building where Quon corners her. Despite not wanting to kill her, she shoots her with some poisoned zephyr feather that embeds itself in her chest. Then the special agent guy shows up and after kicking her in the gut, does some mystical mumbo-jumbo that rips the soul out of her just as she was jumping to attack him. This causes her body to fall from the building on top of a car, attracting a crowd (for some mystic reason she was invisible before that). Then some disembodied demon face shows up and we fade to black as her naked soul screams. In episode 2, the heroine gets transported to the same dimension and the demon face molests her with tentacles. The remnant of Quon's soul shows up, except she has a giant dick now... and starts to fuck the heroine. Then melts away because she used up all her soul energy, which seems quite dumb then to waste it on this.
Anyway, here are the screens.
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Master of this Domain
May 26, 2015
Catwoman's henchwomen from the old Batman New Adventures show (this was based on the Adam West TV show). Honestly, their costumes look more like the original Catwoman's than the real one's who looks more like she is dressed as Cheetah.
They don't really do anything btw, just operate the "trash to fabric" machine. Never even fight the heroes and get arrested.
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Casual Client
Sep 22, 2011
Wonder if anyone knows the title of this game?

It has a good amount of zakos.

this one.

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