Re: sby's loader imports; oct 23 2014: stuff n such
moreclothing would be more scalable if preloading could be configured off and if a user file could extend the moreclothing settings file.
After adding more than 300 items, preloading adds an unnecessary overhead to the game. Back when mods could only be loaded through the Mod panel, would you have recommended anyone load all their .swfs before playing? You don't need to have them all in memory every time you load the game. When you're just browsing and putting together outfits, then preloading them all is ideal. But if you only need the costumes preset in charcodes or dialog scripts, the load time per article is far more tolerable than waiting 3 mins for the whole wardrobe and then watching your fps drop to 4 at the first strand of saliva. The mod would also be more robust, as it wouldn't fall to pieces over one missing or misconfigured item, and problems would be easier to detect than they are in the spammy mess of preloading.
A separate file for users would keep settings apart from the one released with moreclothing updates, so you can update without many compatibility edits. And mod makers could place extensions in character folders to load only what the mod calls for and not expect the users to duplicate their own installation, nor expect the modder's own choices to supercede the user's own even beyond the scope of their dialogs.