nope, that mod is made by manually adding the eyes to her; it doesn't use any of the vanilla modtypes or the extended ones.Gerve said:Is there a way to have IndianaJames Slanted Eyes work with Moreclothing?
hmm, link me to the 2 body mods in question and i shall see if i can re-create it with various circumstancesWeeWillie said:I'm having an issue that I believe comes from MoreClothingV4. When I load a body mod I've created, then load a second body mod, the first one is removed. I'm using the standard template, I believe from MG. Do I have to use one of your templates, sby? How do I work around this issue so that I can layer on the body mods?
Here are a couple of the mods. If I don't load MoreClothingV4, they layer on top of one another. If I do load MoreClothingV4, they take each others place.sby said:hmm, link me to the 2 body mods in question and i shall see if i can re-create it with various circumstances
oh derp. here i was about to post and say "hmm, it works perfectly fine since i made that bugfix for bodymods"WeeWillie said:Here are a couple of the mods. If I don't load MoreClothingV4, they layer on top of one another. If I do load MoreClothingV4, they take each others place.sby said:hmm, link me to the 2 body mods in question and i shall see if i can re-create it with various circumstances
bug fix for allowing non-moreclothing registered body mods using the overwriting ability
bug fix to stop body mods not registered from being cleared on skin tan change
made reggeddic public for animtools for other mods to have access to its clothing it is holding onto
Are you going to post a new version soon? If not, is there any chance i could get a sneak build? I need that bug fix for the Slave Bazaar project I'm working on. I'm in too deep to not use MoreClothing, but with this bug I can't really implement the next feature I'm working on.sby said:then i realized "oh wait, i never released this version of moreclothing" xD
i shall try to get around to it soon. i did give someone else this link in testing that this bugfix did work, here ya go: said:Are you going to post a new version soon? If not, is there any chance i could get a sneak build? I need that bug fix for the Slave Bazaar project I'm working on. I'm in too deep to not use MoreClothing, but with this bug I can't really implement the next feature I'm working on.sby said:then i realized "oh wait, i never released this version of moreclothing" xD
if(DAhermasterbate == 1)
g.dialogueControl.words = new Array();
if(g.dialogueControl.waitingToContinue || g.dialogueControl.speaking) //currently in dialog
g.dialogueControl.words.push(new Word("[MASTURBATE_ON]"));
if(loadermode)main.updateStatus("new line");
g.dialogueControl.startSpeakingPhrase (new DialogueLine("[MASTURBATE_ON]",null));
g.dialogueControl.speaking = true;
g.dialogueControl.words = new Array();
if(g.dialogueControl.waitingToContinue || g.dialogueControl.speaking) //currently in dialog
if(loadermode)main.updateStatus("insert off");
g.dialogueControl.words.push(new Word("[MASTURBATE_OFF]"));
if(loadermode)main.updateStatus("new line off");
g.dialogueControl.startSpeakingPhrase (new DialogueLine("[MASTURBATE_OFF]",null));
g.dialogueControl.speaking = true;
Sweet! You rock sby. I'm back in business.sby said:i shall try to get around to it soon. i did give someone else this link in testing that this bugfix did work, here ya go:
sby said:for those dialogactions people, i was trying to figure out a good way to communicate with it through animtools to use its masterbate feature. i came up with this shady dialog injection:
sby said:made reggeddic public for animtools for other mods to have access to its clothing it is holding onto
hmm, care to share that position for testing?WeeWillie said:I'm seeing a problem using animtools from a dialogue (e.g. [ANIMTOOLS_WeeWillie_mannequin]).
I have the following set in the position file:
but often when I load in, the his torso and arms are visible. His legs are missing, but there's a floating torso. Has anyone else encountered this? I'm using animtoolsV12.swf, moreclothingV5ish.swf (though I saw this problem before using this), and Loader 5.41.a.
Ha! I think that was my problem. I should have noticed that it was set to 1 in all my other anim positions where he was visible. I was using [HIDE_HIM] in dialogue, which I think was mucking up when used around the same time as a position switch with himhidden=1. I'll keep tested, but on the surface, it looks like properly setting himhidden=0 is fixing the floating torso. Thanks so much!sby said:himhidden=1 actually is supposed to make him visible, while himhidden=0 is invisible, and -1 is don't care.
yeah, kinda backwards thought there, oh well xD
i just tried it using dialog triggered hidehim and showhim positions, while animtools, dialogactions, and moreclothing were loaded, and i can't seem to get his legs to not appear.WeeWillie said:I spoke too soon. To simplify the testing, I removed all [HIDE_HIM] and [SHOW_HIM], and just relied on animtools control. When going from a pose that has himhidden=0 to a pose with himhidden=1 via the dialog action [ANIMTOOLS_XXX], often (always?) his legs won't appear. Only his torso appears floating in space. Thoughts?
For now I seem to have a work around. I never use animtools to hide the player (i.e. himhidden is always 1 even with poses where he's not there). I then use [HIDE_HIM], but I never put it on the same dialogue line as the animation pose switch. That seemed to fix all my disappearing leg issues, though it does feel like a hacky workaround.sby said:i could send you the current build of animtools, not sure if i made any changes to that code recently though