WeeWillie Dialogues (Slave Bazaar Alpha 8.9 3/27/19) Added Sister (13 Viewers)


Vivacious Visitor
Mar 9, 2013
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

Dumb question but is there an easy way you get her to pull up? I've done is plenty before but can never do it consistently and its a bit more difficult to do without the "him" there in character selection.

Edit: I downloaded the standalone loader and all I'm getting are blank dialogues. :-[


Content Creator
Nov 8, 2013
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

Blazer said:
Dumb question but is there an easy way you get her to pull up? I've done is plenty before but can never do it consistently and its a bit more difficult to do without the "him" there in character selection.
Hold down the left mouse button.
Move the cursor to the very top of the window. Depending on her pose, she'll raise up more or less. For example in handjob or any of the intercourse poses, she won't move very much at all, but it's still working.
Wait for a little bit for the pull up to register. If your frame rate is bad, this could take a few seconds. You can see frame rate by hitting ESC. The number in the upper left is frame rate, and larger is better. Anything lower than 12 or so means the game isn't responding very well. Bad frame rate is usually due to spit and cum effects.
Blazer said:
Edit: I downloaded the standalone loader and all I'm getting are blank dialogues. :-[
How are you using it? The proper way is to:
[list type=decimal]
[*]Open stand alone Flash 11 or 12
[*]In Flash, open the Loader.swf in the bundle
[*]Hit play and let MoreClothing load. You should see a green message in the upper right corner.
[*]Go back to Options->Custom and click the image of the conversation you want to play.

What exactly are you doing and what do you mean by getting a blank dialogue?


Potential Patron
Nov 4, 2012
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

WeeWillie said:
You should be able to start Slave Trainer, and before pulling up to select the first girl, modify her to look how you want. Then pull up to select your girl. Don't ever pull down during girl selection.

You can also set up the character code in code.txt. The first girl defaults to that that code. Just pull up and be on your way.

Let me know if you still are having issue. If you are, tell me exactly what steps your are doing at the start.

Ok that work, thank you.

Other thing, about texts with "pull up" , is totaly random in the dialogue or we can control them with keyboard and choose what actions we want ?


Content Creator
Nov 8, 2013
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

Shirohige said:
Other thing, about texts with "pull up" , is totaly random in the dialogue or we can control them with keyboard and choose what actions we want ?
I'm not sure if I understand your question, but you pull down to cycle through choices until you get to the one you want, then pull up to do that choice. Unfortunately there is no way I know of to bind a key to a dialogue action yet.


Vivacious Visitor
Mar 9, 2013
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

WeeWillie said:
Blazer said:
Dumb question but is there an easy way you get her to pull up? I've done is plenty before but can never do it consistently and its a bit more difficult to do without the "him" there in character selection.
Hold down the left mouse button.
Move the cursor to the very top of the window. Depending on her pose, she'll raise up more or less. For example in handjob or any of the intercourse poses, she won't move very much at all, but it's still working.
Wait for a little bit for the pull up to register. If your frame rate is bad, this could take a few seconds. You can see frame rate by hitting ESC. The number in the upper left is frame rate, and larger is better. Anything lower than 12 or so means the game isn't responding very well. Bad frame rate is usually due to spit and cum effects.
Blazer said:
Edit: I downloaded the standalone loader and all I'm getting are blank dialogues. :-[
How are you using it? The proper way is to:
[list type=decimal]
[*]Open stand alone Flash 11 or 12
[*]In Flash, open the Loader.swf in the bundle
[*]Hit play and let MoreClothing load. You should see a green message in the upper right corner.
[*]Go back to Options->Custom and click the image of the conversation you want to play.

Whoa thanks for the tip. That helps a lot.

What exactly are you doing and what do you mean by getting a blank dialogue?

The way I open is just simply going to my SDT folder, clicking on the loader and it opens up in Chrome. I opened it through the standalone player and it seems to be working fine now. Odd.

Edit: ok this is weird. All I touched were the girls' codes and the loader options and its back to blank dialogues. What happens specifically is that I get to pick the girl, the "mistress" then says two lines "this is _____ she is a pet of mine" and then after the dialogue boxes come up but with no actual words. Gonna reinstall and just not touch anything this time.

Edit 2: after experimenting, I think the issue I had was that changing the name of the girls fucks up the dialogue. I'm not sure if you made note of that somewhere but if so, I do apologize.


Casual Client
Jul 8, 2013
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

Blazer said:
I think the issue I had was that changing the name of the girls fucks up the dialogue.
WeeWille actually had the dialogue work by doing stuff like [general*ME*] to redirect to the specific lines of the girls by using their names. So yes, changing the name of the girl to one that isn't used by one of the girls already in the dialogue will break it. To be specific, the girl must be named Ellie, Trixie, Karen, Ashley, Crystal or Mistress for SDT to find any lines for them.
This is actually why I had a variable for specifying which girl is on-screen instead of relying on their names in my only multi-girl dialogue so far.


Potential Patron
Feb 9, 2014
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

Is it possible to change any variables that determine how many "+1" triggers it takes to move on to the next stage? I would like to slow the transitions down but im not really sure what variables control what when i browsed through it. Not sure if its that easy or more involved.

Nice script though


Content Creator
Nov 8, 2013
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

Blazer said:
Edit 2: after experimenting, I think the issue I had was that changing the name of the girls fucks up the dialogue. I'm not sure if you made note of that somewhere but if so, I do apologize.
Slaver Trainer was made to use your own girl, but Mistress's Playthings was not. The girls have personality, and it isn't meant for you to make your own character. Different names should work for Slave Trainer though.

despotking11 said:
Is it possible to change any variables that determine how many "+1" triggers it takes to move on to the next stage? I would like to slow the transitions down but im not really sure what variables control what when i browsed through it. Not sure if its that easy or more involved.
If you are talking about Slave Trainer, then yes.

In file "Slave Trainer V3.1" you'll see a line:

PICKGIRL_Recognized0:"[start3]" {"style":"him","set":{"EMO":0, "PaceOut_E0":2, "PaceOut_E1":3, "PaceOut_E2":3, "PaceOut_E3":3}}

EMO: is the starting state for custom girl.
- 0 : Angry, defiant
- 1 : Normal, scared
- 2 : Ahegao, humiliated
- 3 : Happy, docile slave

The PaceOut somewhat controls how long a gal will stay in a given zone. Up them to make them stay in that emotion longer. For example, if you really like the self loathing stage, change "PaceOut_E2" to something like 5 or 6 maybe and see how it feels.


Potential Patron
Feb 9, 2014
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

WeeWillie said:
Blazer said:
Edit 2: after experimenting, I think the issue I had was that changing the name of the girls fucks up the dialogue. I'm not sure if you made note of that somewhere but if so, I do apologize.
Slaver Trainer was made to use your own girl, but Mistress's Playthings was not. The girls have personality, and it isn't meant for you to make your own character. Different names should work for Slave Trainer though.

despotking11 said:
Is it possible to change any variables that determine how many "+1" triggers it takes to move on to the next stage? I would like to slow the transitions down but im not really sure what variables control what when i browsed through it. Not sure if its that easy or more involved.
If you are talking about Slave Trainer, then yes.

In file "Slave Trainer V3.1" you'll see a line:

PICKGIRL_Recognized0:"[start3]" {"style":"him","set":{"EMO":0, "PaceOut_E0":2, "PaceOut_E1":3, "PaceOut_E2":3, "PaceOut_E3":3}}

EMO: is the starting state for custom girl.
- 0 : Angry, defiant
- 1 : Normal, scared
- 2 : Ahegao, humiliated
- 3 : Happy, docile slave

The PaceOut somewhat controls how long a gal will stay in a given zone. Up them to make them stay in that emotion longer. For example, if you really like the self loathing stage, change "PaceOut_E2" to something like 5 or 6 maybe and see how it feels.

Thanks for the help


Potential Patron
Sep 30, 2013
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

I haven't been able to get to Nightshade in your Sorceress' Trials. How do I see her?


Content Creator
Nov 8, 2013
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

Square said:
I haven't been able to get to Nightshade in your Sorceress' Trials. How do I see her?

She is just after Crystal the zombie. There's a bug in the dialog that if you fail with Crystal (i.e. she bites off your willie), then it skips Nightshade, so you have to be successful with Crystal.
If that doesn't work, then are you sure you have the latest bundle?


Potential Patron
Sep 30, 2013
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

I'm using your loader, and yes, even if I succeed with Crystal, Nightshade is skipped.


Content Creator
Nov 8, 2013
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

Square said:
I'm using your loader, and yes, even if I succeed with Crystal, Nightshade is skipped.

Can you verify that the Bundle version you are running has this line in Dialogue.txt

start:"[INSTANT_FLASH_000000]" {"style":"him","set":{"da.dialogue.load":"Trials of the Sorceress V1.3.txt"}}

Note the V1.3, and that you that you have "Trials of the Sorceress V1.3.txt". The only explanation I have is that you are using the previous version?

Is anyone else seeing this issue? I believe others have seen Nightshade, right?


Content Creator
Nov 8, 2013
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

Square said:
Ok, it says it has V1.1.txt. I just replace it with the newest one and change the number, yeah?

Really what you should do is ditch the previous bundle and get a whole new bundle download. The bundle is built to work together, and if you go down the path of piecing it together yourself, you run higher risk of things not working.


Potential Patron
Jan 30, 2014
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

WeeWillie my friend.. I must say you are my personal favorite writer and your Trials of the Sorceress .. Amazing man, seriously the greatest dialogue I've ever played. I'm star struck just being in the same thread as you my man. Idk of your plans moving forward but I hope to see you continue to expand these if not make more.


Content Creator
Nov 8, 2013
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

Thank you ColdMetal! It's great for my motivation to hear that people are playing and enjoying any of my dialogs.

Recently I've been exploring other aspects of SDT outside of dialogs, such as getting a slap sound to play when the player performs a slap. I've had poor success at my other endeavors, like creating a bra mod (there's a reason you see more tops and bottoms than bras), or getting buttons on screen via a dialogue script. It's been a learning experience though, and I haven't given up yet (thought my free trial of Flash CC is running out).

I'm never sure if more people prefer the open end simulation like in Slave Trainer, where you can do most anything at anytime, or the more narrative based progressions, like Trials of the Sorceress. On top of that, I'm not sure if more people would rather see a completely new dialog, or just see one of those two polished more and more. And if I did a new dialog, do people like something realistic, or something fantastic like Trials.

People who give me feedback get priority, so let me know what you think ColdMetal. And thanks again.


Potential Patron
Mar 2, 2012
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

I tried downloading the dialogue bundle 2.1 and I have tried multiple programs, but whenever I try to extract it I get an error about how it has no archives :(


Content Creator
Nov 8, 2013
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

Gord said:
I tried downloading the dialogue bundle 2.1 and I have tried multiple programs, but whenever I try to extract it I get an error about how it has no archives :(

I just downloaded it now and unzipped it no problem with WinZip. I'm not sure what could be wrong for you.


Avid Affiliate
Apr 15, 2012
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

WeeWillie said:
Shirohige said:
Hello, in Slave Trainer 3.1, we can't change defaut girl's in Dialogue.exe by our own girl ?

You should be able to start Slave Trainer, and before pulling up to select the first girl, modify her to look how you want. Then pull up to select your girl. Don't ever pull down during girl selection.

You can also set up the character code in code.txt. The first girl defaults to that that code. Just pull up and be on your way.

Let me know if you still are having issue. If you are, tell me exactly what steps your are doing at the start.

Sorry to trouble you but I am struggling to use my own code.txt file. The file is in the "Slave Trainer" folder and most elements of her appears when the Slave Trainer is picked (not the skirt for some reason). However, then the screen goes dark and when it comes up again only the premade characters are available.

Could you explain what I am doing wrong?


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