so one else likes the zakos actually being DOMINATED? really? i thought that is what it was about, i was going to say "FINALLY A FETISH BOARD FOR MY EXACT NEEDS", doesnt look like it though, oh well.
Anyway, for what I like,
Hitman Blood Money
*i sort of like the blending of women who are trying to kill you and women who are innocent bystanders caught in my crossfire, it blurs the lines of morality and i really like that
Soldier of Fortune 1 and 2 (warning, these games are fuckin brutal, not for the squeemish)
oh yes Baldurs Gate , when i was a kid i played that game, you fought a female named selkie and when she died you could see right up her skirt, straaaange mix of feelings came over me. In fact most true CRPGs will fit this bill
Ultima VII-the opportunity to fight and dominate a nude women, along with many skantily clad women. again, pretty brutal, lots of blood.
Saints row 2-women with tight sweatpants that walk around town that you can kill, some of them gang members. Saints row 3 actually isnt as good, i know this is strange but the character models look a lot less good, less panty action.