Zako (2 Viewers)


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
I wish i could capture images but i don't know how, there is alot of variety among them almost most of them show skin, and alot of it, some are in thigh high boots and red hoods and other fetishy armor.
Maybe it's worth searching.

In Tenchi Wo Kurau II/Warriors of Fate (Arcade/PS) there are Mei sisters, a bosses that become zako in later level. If you can beat the game with only 1 credit, they will congrat you in a staff role.

Warriors of Fate (1).jpg Warriors of Fate (2).jpg Warriors of Fate (3).jpg Warriors of Fate (4).jpg


Content Creator
Jun 22, 2011
so one else likes the zakos actually being DOMINATED? really? i thought that is what it was about, i was going to say "FINALLY A FETISH BOARD FOR MY EXACT NEEDS", doesnt look like it though, oh well.

Anyway, for what I like,

Hitman Blood Money
*i sort of like the blending of women who are trying to kill you and women who are innocent bystanders caught in my crossfire, it blurs the lines of morality and i really like that

Soldier of Fortune 1 and 2 (warning, these games are fuckin brutal, not for the squeemish)
oh yes Baldurs Gate , when i was a kid i played that game, you fought a female named selkie and when she died you could see right up her skirt, straaaange mix of feelings came over me. In fact most true CRPGs will fit this bill

Ultima VII-the opportunity to fight and dominate a nude women, along with many skantily clad women. again, pretty brutal, lots of blood.

Saints row 2-women with tight sweatpants that walk around town that you can kill, some of them gang members. Saints row 3 actually isnt as good, i know this is strange but the character models look a lot less good, less panty action.

Joe Bloggs

Club Regular
Aug 5, 2011
There are evil minion babes in SWAT 4? I demand details!

But yes you are a man after my own heart. I prefer my zakos defeated. If they are dominating anyone it's purely temporary, just to show us all how totally evil they are. Right before the good guys blow em away. ;)


Content Creator
Jun 22, 2011
Minions might be the wrong term, but some of the criminals are female, also there is a mission editor, so you can make them all female if you want to.


Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
Soldier of Fortune 1 and 2 (warning, these games are fuckin brutal, not for the squeemish)

I know the games really well, having completed both on hardest settings.. The first game has a great vibe, sounds and effects that adds to the appeal. I'd go as far as to say the zako in that game and they way they fit and feature in the game itself are the best FPS (first person shooter) zakos I've come across. I remember as a young teenager being totally fixated by the female gang member zako when I came across her ...

Minions might be the wrong term, but some of the criminals are female, also there is a mission editor, so you can make them all female if you want to.

Thanks for the info, will be happily investigating soon..
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Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
ZakoMe, I see you found my commissions of Soozie from Streets of Rage 3. I am considering more of these :)

Weoooo, I also use the Spriter's Resource quite often. Regarding two of the games you mentioned, Action Doom and Tek War...on Action Doom even though the "Goth Chick" zako is not very attractive, I like how when defeated she falls into an undignified, face-down ass-up pose, displaying a tramp stamp tattoo:
Goth Chick Down.png

On Tek War, I always thought the "Assassin" zako was quite hot in her spandex:
Tek War Assassin.png

I'm not sure if the "Kunoichi" from Ninja Warriors Again on SNES has been posted already, but she's also on Spriter's Resource:

Joe Bloggs

Club Regular
Aug 5, 2011
Here are some quick pics of the henchwomen from Soldier of Fortune 1.

I unistalled the game a while ago and didn't bother to take screenshots. However these probably give you and idea of what they look like. Their multiplayer model names are the words underneath. None for the kunoichi babe though it seems. The Russian babe comes in an alternate model with longer light brown hair if I recall.

Old game, old graphics but better than nothing I suppose!


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Ryonani Teamster
Nov 24, 2009
so one else likes the zakos actually being DOMINATED? really? i thought that is what it was about, i was going to say "FINALLY A FETISH BOARD FOR MY EXACT NEEDS", doesnt look like it though, oh well.

whoa relax, this board is for both, if you like that you are most certainly welcome to post any images of zakos being dominated. personally i like dominating piles of them.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
I like that nun who can go hand-to-hand with Agent 47 for a few seconds. Look like they may bring a good match in the mission.
Hitman series have a few ryona potentials as well.

By the way, I uploaded 2 unlisted videos of Najica Blitz Tactics' fight scenes (JPN). The series contain less zako and fighting compair to Agent Aika but still have a good ones.

Najica vs. Guard Maids.

Najica vs. Koharu the henchwoman (revised).
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Ryonani Teamster
Nov 24, 2009
This was posted in the Gyaku-Ryona forum too, but figured i'd also share it here since there's probably a fair few people here that don't check Gyaku. Seems to be a good mix in this trailer!

Holy crap, i do like this as a fetishy thing i guess. But i have never in my life seen violence perpetrated against women at this level, in any media, its a bit shocking even for me.


Master of this Domain
Dec 3, 2010
Yeah. This isn't the place to talk about it, but that trailer's kind of bananas cause of that. Symbols of chastity revealing their sexuality and then being graphically killed in an expensive mainstream CG trailer is... not something you'd expect or something I'm entirely comfortable with. That's sexualization of violence, and I'm unsure if that belongs in the spotlight.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 3, 2010
And clips like this one or that one are all fine and dandy? There are hundreds of thousands of of videos like that, some more brutal and sexualised, some less, and I never see people complain about them like you, Weooo.

It's only when those rare clips appear when the roles are reversed and men beat up women appear, that people get all shocked and post such opinions, suggesting, more or less openly, censorship.
Hypocrisy much?


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 11, 2009
And clips like this one or that one are all fine and dandy? There are hundreds of thousands of of videos like that, some more brutal and sexualised, some less, and I never see people complain about them like you, Weooo.

It's only when those rare clips appear when the roles are reversed and men beat up women appear, that people get all shocked and post such opinions, suggesting, more or less openly, censorship.
Hypocrisy much?

the only thing i find offensive about it is that it's an abomination to the hitman series. so glad yet another series is changing to appeal to "the dude bro" of gamer who only plays call of duty.


Content Creator
Jun 22, 2011
This was posted in the Gyaku-Ryona forum too, but figured i'd also share it here since there's probably a fair few people here that don't check Gyaku. Seems to be a good mix in this trailer!

Such mixed feelings in that trailer. Its so sad to see the Hitman series turn from a smart stealth game to a trashy interactive action flick, its especially sad to see what they did to the music.

Heres a taste of what you got in the older games
Hitman 2 Silent Assassin OST - 47 Make a Decision - YouTube
Hitman Blood Money - Jesper Kyd - Vegas - YouTube

compare that to the cheesy one note guitar riff Linkin Park bullshit they are pulling here, its a shame

But damn, Id be lying if i said i didnt watch that video multiple times, or that i dont plan on watching it in the future.

And clips like this one or that one are all fine and dandy? There are hundreds of thousands of of videos like that, some more brutal and sexualised, some less, and I never see people complain about them like you, Weooo.

It's only when those rare clips appear when the roles are reversed and men beat up women appear, that people get all shocked and post such opinions, suggesting, more or less openly, censorship.
Hypocrisy much?

Most people who argue against the Hitman Trailer would most definitely be against the first commercial, its pretty sexist toward women as well as men if you think about it. "hey guys, women being aggressive is so taboo, since in real life that never happens...right guys? so its funny if we have a sexy girl beating up a guy buy our stupid product"

---------- Post added at 08:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:01 PM ----------

I like that nun who can go hand-to-hand with Agent 47 for a few seconds. Look like they may bring a good match in the mission.
Hitman series have a few ryona potentials as well.

By the way, I uploaded 2 unlisted videos of Najica Blitz Tactics' fight scenes (JPN). The series contain less zako and fighting compair to Agent Aika but still have a good ones.

Najica vs. Guard Maids.

Najica vs. Koharu the henchwoman (revised).

Love that series! there is one episode where she knocks out a bunch of guards and pulls down their panties to check their bear asses for some code or something, hitting on yet another one of my fetishes. I think its episode 3 or 4, they're all on youtube.
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Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
Hmm not sure what to think of the Hitman trailer. I didn't find it that appealing? *shrugs* unusual for this thread as I find everything here appealing.

Though, it does remind me of what a great game Hitman 2 is. I need to replay and finish that, I guess. I haven't played any of the others (yet) ...
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Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
Here are some screenshots of interest I got from an old favourite 'Time Commando' (the PS1 version). This game might be an acquired taste, with interesting themes and quite a unique control system. Currently in the process of completing the game in hard mode (which is definitely hard). It certainly isn't a zako classic, in my opinion like say Dynamite Deka series or Streets Of Rage ... but I'm sure enjoyment could be had from the game (as with any game with zako). The game itself is basically a rather clunky (but enjoyable!) romp through history; in a sort of virtual reality setting (best to read the er, story ... !). Whilst I would consider the girls from the game as zako, being a side-scroller type game, many are unique and only feature once; considering the age of the game (1996) the variety of enemy is strong. Some of the female enemies do reappear, however.

An interesting point of the female enemies in this game is they often pretend, or appear to be passive until getting close or attacking. The screens probably aren't the best, and I will attempt to get good quality screens of each and every zako-type character. As you travel through time, the zako change. The zako do show somewhat of an interesting personality, especially with no dialogue; only noise, moans and gasps from attacks or hits and slightly suggestive laughs from one of the later zakos or two.

Time Commando Zako.jpg

The first zako pictured is quite interesting, 'hiding' the knife behind her back and innocently approaching the player (at walking pace) in what I assume is her sleeping area then attacking violently.

The 2nd zako is (of course) a Geisha, who appears passive on first viewing then throws sharp-edged fans at the player. She throws about 5 or 6, then becomes somewhat passive and observes the player. Interestingly, you can spare her at this point (you usually have to dispose of every enemy to advance, but I can't confirm this as a rule yet). Interestingly, she follows the player across the screen, sometimes staying out of sight at the side. Whilst this was happening and the 3rd zako appeared (well chested girl in turquoise) she decided to beat the hell out of me at the side. The 3rd zako is passive until approached, where she will stop 'working' and become aggressive; whipping the player with her weapon, jump kicks etc. Also interestingly, she attacked the Geisha as my player backed off and almost killed her.

Long post, but this thread needed some more game-zako. :]


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 24, 2009
I don't want to get too off topic, but check this out. It's brand new (Going to be playable at E3) and is classic Hitman. :)

[E3 2012] Hitman Absolution - world's first hands-on footage - YouTube

Looks like they went into damage control mode hahahah, i guess the previous trailer did leave a bad taste in the fan base (but i'd be lying if i said i didn't like having a group of fetishy latex assassins, its probably an announcement for an enemy group), but its good to know they're keeping the classic hitman gameplay.


Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
Quick post - another zako from Time Commando, this time from the 1st of the future levels (taken from ending credits)

Her design is great. She features twice, one with a yo-yo type weapon and in a dangerous form with a pair of knives attatched to her palms like claws.


Here is another game, the on rails shooter 'Maximum Force' (found in the arcades and on PS1 and Saturn consoles around 1997). I remember seeing this one and in magazines around the time it came out and from the rolling demos in the local arcade, of course interested in the zako enemies too. The game is very similar to Area 51 in nature and must run on the same engine, relying on pre-rendered FMV backgrounds and actors as sprites.

Here are some very quick shots from the demo screens.

2.jpg 3.png 4.png

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