Zako (3 Viewers)


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 23, 2009
Ahh, Time Commando. Classic game. I was just recently playing through it and there were a few female enemies, but I guess I missed your previous posts mentioning them. If only the characters weren't so damn blocky. :P

Dan Druff

Club Regular
Mar 16, 2012
More Time Commando Zako

Here are some screenshots of interest I got from an old favourite 'Time Commando' (the PS1 version). This game might be an acquired taste, with interesting themes and quite a unique control system. Currently in the process of completing the game in hard mode (which is definitely hard). It certainly isn't a zako classic, in my opinion like say Dynamite Deka series or Streets Of Rage, but I'm sure enjoyment could be had from the game (as with any game with zako). The game itself is basically a rather clunky (but enjoyable!) romp through history in a sort of virtual reality setting (best to read the er, story ... !). Whilst I would consider the girls from the game as zako, being a side-scroller type game, many are unique and only feature once; considering the age of the game (1996) the variety of enemy is strong. Some of the female enemies do reappear, however.

An interesting point of the female enemies in this game is they often pretend, or appear to be passive until getting close or attacking. The screens probably aren't the best, and I will attempt to get good quality screens of each and every zako-type character. As you travel through time, the zako change. The zako do show somewhat of an interesting personality, especially with no dialogue; only noise, moans and gasps from attacks or hits and slightly suggestive laughs from one of the later zakos or two.

The first zako pictured is quite interesting, 'hiding' the knife behind her back and innocently approaching the player (at walking pace) in what I assume is her sleeping area then attacking violently.

The 2nd zako is (of course) a Geisha, who appears passive on first viewing then throws sharp-edged fans at the player. She throws about 5 or 6, then becomes somewhat passive and observes the player. Interestingly, you can spare her at this point (you usually have to dispose of every enemy to advance, but I can't confirm this as a rule yet). Interestingly, she follows the player across the screen, sometimes staying out of sight at the side. Whilst this was happening and the 3rd zako appeared (well chested girl in turquoise) she decided to beat the hell out of me at the side. The 3rd zako is passive until approached, where she will stop 'working' and become aggressive; whipping the player with her weapon, jump kicks etc. Also interestingly, she attacked the Geisha as my player backed off and almost killed her.

Long post, but this thread needed some more game-zako. :]
I usually post images in, but the zako discussion seems to be hotter here. I also enjoyed the big-breasted zako in turquoise. I noticed that the player is holding his sword weird in the second screenshot while looking at her. Her attacks could have been sexier, but there are no grapples in this game, so everyone's arsenal is limited. One woman appears to be on an offering table outside a temple, and you must defeat the male zako to "save" her only to discover that she is a zako, too. Later inside the temple you meet two female zako who look tough, but all you need to do is stand on the far right side and use a long weapon to poke them to death. The MAME emulator gave me really small screenshots, but ePSXe gives me really large screenshots.


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Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
Nice screens! I like the sacrifice zako too! Another nice trick. All the zako in the game are nicely presented; the game usually slows down for a moment to introduce them as such, which is nice. Apart from the ones shown and mentioned, there is a a decent long-dressed zako inside on the ship just before that level - who will stand up and grab her sword upon you entering. You enter a lot of zakos bedrooms in this game ... If you shoot her (she will survive a few shots) she is knocked to the ground prone, she'll brush her hair back and laugh after you've inflicted damage and fight with her. There is also the umbrella lady in blue on the western level, who pretends to be passive then will reveal a pistol and start shooting at the player. If she hits you she'll get a few more shots in afterwards then attempt to flee. Then there is the AK47 women on the 2nd future wars level, who can inflict absolutely killer damage on the higher difficulty especially and fire as fast and probably more accurately than the player can with the weapon. There is also the blonde female mage on the 2nd medievil, once again you fight her in her sleeping area..

About the busty turquoise zako; she uses her weapon pretty well. She is probably the sexiest zako in the game. For those that like to defeat zako, her death animation is quite enjoyable - she falls and her whip-like weapon falls with her and snaps in half. It'd be great to have a HD or modern remake of this game!

---------- Post added at 12:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:54 AM ----------

I know God Hand has been discussed before but this video is amazing - GOD HAND Women knock down Gne - YouTube

Really really great zako. That is some great team work.

Here's a spontaneous gift to the thread, my first attempt at digital colouring ... trial and error, just for fun;

*better version in post below*

Kindly borrowed from jorgegaray on DeviantArt. Original image here;
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Dan Druff

Club Regular
Mar 16, 2012
I played the game again, and I finally ran into all those female zako I missed the first time. I was too busy hating the game to bother to visit other rooms, and there were annoying zako like the cave woman and the umbrella lady who don't even bother to stay and fight. The blonde female mage wasn't too bad, but she's also more annoying than pretty because of her cheap attacks. I finally encountered that zako with the long dress in the Conquistadors stage. She's so special, you have to seek her out. I absolutely love her aggression. Once she picks up her sword, she is relentless. If she could have looked more like the turquoise zako in the Japanese stage, her hidden room would have been the pleasure room.


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Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
I played the game again, and I finally ran into all those female zako I missed the first time. I was too busy hating the game to bother to visit other rooms, and there were annoying zako like the cave woman and the umbrella lady who don't even bother to stay and fight. The blonde female mage wasn't too bad, but she's also more annoying than pretty because of her cheap attacks. I finally encountered that zako with the long dress in the Conquistadors stage. She's so special, you have to seek her out. I absolutely love her aggression. Once she picks up her sword, she is relentless. If she could have looked more like the turquoise zako in the Japanese stage, her hidden room would have been the pleasure room.

Glad to see others enjoying the zako from this game.. The game certainly has a wide range and colour of zako flavours..

I agree, she is very aggressive and a fantastic bitch! Fighting against her sword to sword is a pleasure! She seems to think so, too. I was wondering though, what her status is in relation to the ship? Seeing as that room appears to be her living area, quite high I presume. Almost a shame she is determined to kill you without mercy really, I'd like to have rescued her and the turquoise zako.. I'd hate to have missed that room and not found her!


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 11, 2009
I do remember those beat 'em games being notorious for performing some move on your (female) character, like a full nelson

i just thought of this thread since i've been looking, does anyone have a list/know any games with enemies that do this?


Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
Another God Hand video; this time grovelling to the next female enemy I encounter after the first group maybe hoping she spares me (and to make enemies easier, in reality!).

I've always wanted to do this in a game with zako and the way she laughs as it is done makes it even better!

GOD HAND - Grovelling To Female Enemy - YouTube

I just read the game was made by the same team as No More Heroes? I was really disappointed at the lack of zako and blandness of most enemies in that game.


Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
Here's a thought; I was thinking of making a thread about mobile phone games with zako? I do believe they exist (there was mention of 1 in the thread?). Probably best just discussing in this thread though.

Be it iphone store, android or any other systems! On my old phone I had a Japanese streets of rage remake type game that had electra in it - it was hard to work out what the hell was going on though..


Casual Client
May 29, 2012
Here is another game, the on rails shooter 'Maximum Force' (found in the arcades and on PS1 and Saturn consoles around 1997). I remember seeing this one and in magazines around the time it came out and from the rolling demos in the local arcade, of course interested in the zako enemies too. The game is very similar to Area 51 in nature and must run on the same engine, relying on pre-rendered FMV backgrounds and actors as sprites.

Here are some very quick shots from the demo screens.

View attachment 25550View attachment 25551View attachment 25552

Oh my god - I have been looking for this arcade game for about 15 years! Ever since I saw a demo run in an arcade on a school field trip (heh) - but I forgot the name and could never find it, even looking it up on later years on the internet.

Thanks a lot dude!


Casual Client
May 29, 2012
An old FPS from 1998, Blood 2: The Chosen, featured a Zako like enemy - the female cultist, with some delightful text setting out how expendable they are. Male cultists also appear (about a 2:1 ratio with the female ones), and have a few more HP.

Cultist11.jpg Cultist9.jpg Cultist10.jpg Cultist8.jpg Cultist7.jpg Cultist6.jpg Cultist5.jpg Cultist4.jpg Cultist3.jpg Cultist2.jpg Cultist1.jpg

"In Blood II: The Chosen, cultists are still the lowest-ranking minions of the Cabal, serving as cannon fodder, but are much less deadly and accurate. With the conversion of the Cabal to a corporate empire, so has its staff. These are early CabalCo initiates that are recruited and brainwashed into service. Their training consists only of a psyche profile and brain wipe.

Within the company, they are used for missions of little importance - security and intimidation - and have low intelligence. Otherwise, they would have risen to a higher rank in the Cabal. Often they are used as human shields or distractions for more important Cabal members.

They wield pistols and flare guns only, and their lack of combat training prevents them from knowing how to coordinate an effective attack. They are more of a minor annoyance than their previous incarnations, and lack firepower and accuracy. "

Some nice concept artwork is available too:

Video of first few levels:
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Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
Oh my god - I have been looking for this arcade game for about 15 years! Ever since I saw a demo run in an arcade on a school field trip (heh) - but I forgot the name and could never find it, even looking it up on later years on the internet.

Thanks a lot dude!

Haha, the demo run is pretty good huh? No problem; glad to help!

Wow Blood 2 is now on my play-list. Thanks for sharing.

I can remember some PS1/PC games with good zako but I'm really struggling for the titles.. !
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Master of this Domain
Dec 3, 2010
Here's a thought; I was thinking of making a thread about mobile phone games with zako? I do believe they exist (there was mention of 1 in the thread?). Probably best just discussing in this thread though.

Be it iphone store, android or any other systems! On my old phone I had a Japanese streets of rage remake type game that had electra in it - it was hard to work out what the hell was going on though..

Personally I think we should spread out. We've got a whole damn sub forum. Specialized threads seem like a good idea.


Avid Affiliate
Nov 15, 2011
A bit of a long post, but I found that this obscure zako fetish took some explaining...

I think that by 1988 I'd already had an interest in a few movie villainesses, and quite liked fighting the zako in games like Renegade and Double Dragon, but this was an early zako favorite of mine.

Target Rengade was the home computer sequel to Renegade, and had 5 stages each with its own type of enemies. The second stage was set in sleazy rundown street where the player has to fight his way through a gang of quite brutal street hookers. Unlike most zako you find who are fast, acrobatic, cartwheeling types, these ones were brawlers, surrounding the player and trading punches until he is stunned, when one then grabs him by the shoulders and repeatedly knees him in the groin until he collapses.

Being from such an old game, the graphics obviously weren't great, and I suppose to some they might look a bit butch, but I imagine them more as extremely curvy with huge enhanced tits and fat asses (nearing BBW territory). They're dressed in an extremely tight, shiny black PVC rubber outfit with an obscenely short skirt, spiky high heels, with peroxide blonde hair and, this being the 80's, wearing shades.
TargetR_Screen1.png TargetR_Screen2.png
(I'll just link to the gif animations as uploading them doesn't seem to work)
So, uh yeah, the graphics are quite blocky and primitive, but I just thought they had this kind of crude, nasty sexiness. Like they would just as easily fuck you in an alley as beat you to a pulp, and they'd do the same to dozens of thugs in one night.

They can wield a spiked club weapon, which you can take off them, however their unarmed fighting style is more effective, and more, err interesting!

Maybe I'm just a particular kind of pervert but my favorite moment was when the lucky hero gets sandwiched between two of these busty women, as one mercilessly knees him in the balls again and again. If the player gets knocked down while carrying the mace, there's the added humiliation of having one of these whores appear to trample over his prone body, turn around and squat on his face as she retrieves the weapon for herself.
They're really just so nasty that beating them down is all the more enjoyable. If you manage to stun one of the women she just clutches her stomach pathetically - of course if you take pity on her she'll just go back to pummelling you to death!

Another great thing is that it's an almost entirely zako level, with swarms of these bitches emerging from the edge of the screen and out of alleyways to attack you. The only male enemy on the level is their pimp who initially just lurks at the edge of the screen shooting at you - its pretty easy to avoid his shots and you can even lure the ladies into the line of fire, killing them instantly (which sort of adds to the sense of them being like disposable trash). Once he runs out of ammo he's pretty easy to beat hand to hand, although his attacks seem to set up the women to do their grab and knee move. TBH the level, and the game was pretty easy, but sometimes its more fun to lose;)

For such a low spec game, there's actually quite a lot of innovative gameplay in general, eg. the player can attack enemies on the ground, but if you haven't reduced their health enough already, they throw you off. It even supports 2 player co-op.

A couple of years later the beatemup genre really took off and there were a lot of other zako that caught my eye but this was where it started for me and probably had quite an influence shaping my interests and tastes. I've found there exists a whole genre of ballbusting fetish, but from the clips and stories I've seen, I haven't found anything so appealing as this particular setting, so I don't think that's the single thing that interests me about them (although its a bit hard to explain what)

I really can't think of any other zako quite like them either. In some ways, the fighting style of brawling and grappling is a little similar to what you see in Dynamite Cop. In terms of appearance, there's maybe the Vendetta dominatrix, and the delectable blonde dominatrix from Watchmen, although for sheer outright slutty nastiness I don't think they've ever been matched.

Well, there you go, I suppose it's kind of ridiculous being into a 24x48 pixel zako. This is really the first time I've talked about this particular zako in this kind of context, although I've seen them mentioned before on a couple of forums, so I might not be entirely alone here. What do you think?


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Casual Client
Dec 12, 2010
The attachments links aren't working for me. They just give me "Invalid Attachment specified." So I went and googled up some images instead:

Here's an artistic rendering that you might enjoy:

Target: Renegade - The Ladies of the Night picture by Mighty_Zol - Photobucket

On pixelicious zakos, there's the saying that low-def porn is better than high-def porn. When you see a blurry image, your mind "fills in the blanks" in an idealized way. I imagine a similar thing is happening here!


Avid Affiliate
Nov 15, 2011
Here's an artistic rendering that you might enjoy:

Target: Renegade - The Ladies of the Night picture by Mighty_Zol - Photobucket

On pixelicious zakos, there's the saying that low-def porn is better than high-def porn. When you see a blurry image, your mind "fills in the blanks" in an idealized way. I imagine a similar thing is happening here!

Hmm, for some reason the animated .gifs didn't upload properly, although they show up for me.

I totally enjoy that rendering - it was one I commissioned a few years back! I just figured I'd waffled on enough already in my last post. It was exactly as you say - I tried to fill in the blanks using my perverted imagination, so the spiked club became a scary looking sex toy, and I'm still not sure where I came up with the idea for the spiky panties but it just seemed to suit them. At the same time, I tried to have lots of reference to the source material, and I tried to incorporate the monochrome black and white nature of the graphics into the artwork. The commission captured pretty much exactly what I had in mind for the characters, as these kind of nasty, dominatrix hookers.
I actually went on to commission a second one as well with a different artist who does some very stylized work of curvy women - again I was really pleased with the result, he really got the curvy voluptuous look and the attitude is even more badass.
I still have a few more ideas for these zakos, ATM I'm thinking about commissioning the artist who did that Blaze vs Soozies series of pictures - I think it's a good way of capturing their particular fighting style, I just need finalize my ideas for the story.
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Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
Here's a thought; I was thinking of making a thread about mobile phone games with zako? I do believe they exist (there was mention of 1 in the thread?). Probably best just discussing in this thread though.

Be it iphone store, android or any other systems! On my old phone I had a Japanese streets of rage remake type game that had electra in it - it was hard to work out what the hell was going on though..
I think we need some games before spread out. Around 2-5 would be good.

Target Rengade was the home computer sequel to Renegade, and had 5 stages each with its own type of enemies. The second stage was set in sleazy rundown street where the player has to fight his way through a gang of quite brutal street hookers. Unlike most zako you find who are fast, acrobatic, cartwheeling types, these ones were brawlers, surrounding the player and trading punches until he is stunned, when one then grabs him by the shoulders and repeatedly knees him in the groin until he collapses.
Nice informations! Look like they can hurt the player quite well.
And female zako with grapple moves in 2D games are rare in my opinions.

Commissions are great too, like that shading. I prefer slimmer zako though.
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Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
This thread is digging up some real gems! It's really interesting how such old and basic (as seen by todays standards) game like that Target Renegade have such *sexy!* zako and themes in them. I can't disagree with anyone you wrote about it ZakoMe. The first commission of the two is very close to how I would imagine them from just looking at them from the game; fantastic. More research required on my part. It's a shame games just couldn't (or choose not to) get away with this sort of content and add any zakos like this (or any at all?) to games now. Though they are'of the time' in a lot of these games which might have something to do with it and the whole politically correct thing.

I've been enjoying God Hand so much it's hard not to make more videos. It really feels like they are cornering him in this video, and not letting him escape.


Version 2 with grovelling to the whole set of zako and as humiliating a defeat as any..
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