Zako (46 Viewers)


Avid Affiliate
Nov 15, 2011
Commissions are great too, like that shading. I prefer slimmer zako though.
I think that the chunky appearance that they have in the game is more down to the computer's graphics capabilities than any deliberate design. IIRC there was some concept art in one of the magazines at the time where they were a lot slimmer, and were armed with a whip.
When I decided to try producing the first fanart, since the game graphics were the only reference material, I had wondered about giving them a more slender build (they were slimmer in the first sketch for the commission). In the end I decided to go for something a little more curvy - partly as a way of parodying the game's graphics, partly because it suited their domineering, brawler style of fighting, and partly just because making them fatter emphasized the crude & nasty kind of sex appeal that makes them unique. It's kind of hard to explain, but if they had a more playboy centerfold kind of build, they'd just be another hot blonde in a sexy outfit.

I actually didn't know I was going to like it as much as I did. When it came to the second commission, I just wanted to try and push the idea even further, and the artist did it really well.

If I could try and be a philosophical perv for a moment, I suppose it might be the archetypal zako fascination for me - these conflicting 'fuck or fight' feelings of desire vs disgust. There's just something sexy about the thought of that voluptuous flesh squeezed into the tight rubber outfit, but at the same time, these are some brutal street whores intent on humiliating you before beating you to death. Well, it's just kind of hard to explain.

...It's a shame games just couldn't (or choose not to) get away with this sort of content and add any zakos like this (or any at all?) to games now. Though they are'of the time' in a lot of these games which might have something to do with it and the whole politically correct thing.
Yes, the best description I've seen for it is gratuitous. There wasn't the same kind of media awareness, let alone prissiness (at least not in the UK) about computer games corrupting our youth back then. OTOH it was where strange zako fetishists like myself get started, so maybe they were right :S

I think that also there was more willingness to take risks and do something different back then. Dan Druff has some more great examples in the zako images thread (best is the Japanese game with a zako who kills with a handjob of death). These days it's more about having mass appeal. I could imagine zako like these fitting quite well into a game like Manhunt 2. But there were no zako in such a violent game because it's too taboo.

I've been enjoying God Hand so much it's hard not to make more videos. It really feels like they are cornering him in this video, and not letting him escape.
That's an excellent series of God Hand videos - really well made. I don't remember the grovel move at all. An excellent move to use on zako, that and the spanking! A game like God Hand gives some hope that some people still try to take risks. Of course the game studio got closed down by capcom right after, and as you point out God Hand's spritual successor No More Heroes doesn't have any zako :(

Dan Druff

Club Regular
Mar 16, 2012
Dan Druff has some more great examples in the zako images thread (best is the Japanese game with a zako who kills with a handjob of death).
Ninja Clowns was an American game; it was developed by Incredible Technologies. The Japanese game was Kyros by Alpha Denshi which has a thick female zako smothering the player to death by lying on top of him. I prefer thicker female zako because they are more believable as threats to the player. They can still dress like Playboy centerfolds, but having slender female zako doesn't convince me that the player is in any danger. If the player is defeated, the player either deserved it or is simply letting the slender female zako have their way. My edit of Linda from the first NES Double Dragon in the Images forum is a perfect example. She is only wearing bra and panties, but she is still thick. It could just be a kink of mine that the female aggressor should be bigger than the hero.


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Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
If I could try and be a philosophical perv for a moment, I suppose it might be the archetypal zako fascination for me - these conflicting 'fuck or fight' feelings of desire vs disgust. There's just something sexy about the thought of that voluptuous flesh squeezed into the tight rubber outfit, but at the same time, these are some brutal street whores intent on humiliating you before beating you to death. Well, it's just kind of hard to explain.
But I understand that, my comrade. :meaw:
Still be impressed that the game is quite good in zako moves for its own time.

That's an excellent series of God Hand videos - really well made. I don't remember the grovel move at all. An excellent move to use on zako, that and the spanking! A game like God Hand gives some hope that some people still try to take risks. Of course the game studio got closed down by capcom right after, and as you point out God Hand's spritual successor No More Heroes doesn't have any zako :(
At least some NMH's female bosses are good enough....

By the way, DynamiteFetish. Some God Hand's zako will do a different attack after parrying your blow. Just keep attacking while they are guarding. You may need to rise difficult metre to LV.3 or Hell though.


Avid Affiliate
Nov 15, 2011
Ninja Clowns was an American game; it was developed by Incredible Technologies. The Japanese game was Kyros by Alpha Denshi which has a thick female zako smothering the player to death by lying on top of him. I prefer thicker female zako because they are more believable as threats to the player. They can still dress like Playboy centerfolds, but having slender female zako doesn't convince me that the player is in any danger. If the player is defeated, the player either deserved it or is simply letting the slender female zako have their way.

Ah, Ninja Clowns, yes that was it - I assumed since it was so crazy and obscure that it had to be japanese!
Clearly, I agree about the delights of zako who being physically bigger than the protagonist. I can't think of so many of these bigger zako who are still sexy - I count the Vendetta domme as one. There also seem to be some big girls in God Hand who perform a very intimate looking piledriver, and have a great leaping attack straddling the player's face (yummy), dropping him to the floor, and finishing him off with a stamp. Kyros was another lovely find, and those are some nice sprite edits of Double Dragon - reminds me of some hacks I used to do of beatemups on the Amiga a long time ago. The other big ones I can think of are (IMO) more comically oversized and played for laughs, like the level boss Big Bertha from Renegade, and theres another (I forget the game's name) featuring a chubby giantess level boss in a skimpy frock who bursts into tears when she's almost defeated! And there's another hag-like giantess who appears later on in Captain Commando (Mardia IIRC)

I don't agree that the more lightweight zakos don't present a danger. They normally have something that gives them an unfair advantage eg Poisons with their powerful high heeled kicks inflicting knife like damage, plus their agility, evasiveness and the distraction of their sexy appearance. The armed zakos like Carol or the sword wielding kunoichi from the punisher, Electra, Nora, I'd also put Linda in this group, and probably also the zuburokas since they fight mounted on dragons or with axes (although some illustrations show them being more heavily muscled). Then you've got a few zako with dirty tricks like the ones in Dynamite Cop. Of course, the other threat that pretty much all zakos have is that they attack in a group, it's only when you reduce them down to the last one that you can really begin to dominate them :)


Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
That's an excellent series of God Hand videos - really well made. I don't remember the grovel move at all. An excellent move to use on zako, that and the spanking! A game like God Hand gives some hope that some people still try to take risks. Of course the game studio got closed down by capcom right after, and as you point out God Hand's spritual successor No More Heroes doesn't have any zako :(

Thank you a lot for the encouragement! Nice to know others are enjoying the videos. :p

By the way, DynamiteFetish. Some God Hand's zako will do a different attack after parrying your blow. Just keep attacking while they are guarding. You may need to rise difficult metre to LV.3 or Hell though.

Thanks for the info, I'll be playing the game through on hard soon so keep it in mind!

Here's a tribute I put together for the lovely zako in God Hand; I often got that song in my head every time they would walk or skip over to greet the hero... Always with comments or a taunt, of course. I am pleased with the results! It's also difficult to stop recording these zako beauties...

GOD HAND - Here Come The Girls! - YouTube
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Casual Client
Mar 8, 2012
Great Youtube channel DynamiteFetish. I'm liking the God Hand videos and would like to see more, are you going to put up videos from other games as well?


Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
Thank you! *tries to remain modest*

New unexpected zako discovery! Probably comparable to the girls from Maximum force, these girls from the (repetitive but fairly fun) Die Hard Trilogy 2 PS1 game are fun opponents. I was having my fingers crossed for some zako to make the game more interesting, and here we are.

DIE HARD TRILOGY 2 - Bad Girls - YouTube

'Scraped back blonde hair, thick makeup, generous cleavage, skimpy denim shorts and black gloves. Oh, and she is waving a gun in your face. Threat detected!'

That's what I've found so far. Nice and chunky too if that appeals, with a bit of imagination these girls would be very sexy.

2.png 3.png 1.png
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Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
What is Shenmue missing? The answer; bitches like these as zako.

SHENMUE - Potential Bitches - YouTube

They'd have been so great! There really is no reason for these two, er, bitches to be so horrible in the context of the game either ...

More Shenmue related fun coming soon!

Super edit - there is actually a way to fight these two later on! I sure don't remember it, but there really is.
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Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
Hiya ZakoMe,

Regarding the zako from Target Renegade, have you seen these zako in the other versions of this game? For example, in the Amstrad CPC version:
TargetRenegadeFight03.png TargetRenegadeFight05.png

Or in the freely downloadable, independently made remake of Target Renegade for the pc? Target; 2008 » Target; 2006

01.png 02.png 04.png 05.png

May be worth checking out!


Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
DynamiteFetish, thanks for posting the zako from Die Hard Trilogy 2; that's a new one in my book.

Also, your post about the zako in Maximum Force reminded me of another first-person-shooter with a wide variety of zako: Target Terror. It came out for the arcade and for Wii.
These are the main zako from Target Terror. There are a couple more besides these, but they did not really catch my attention. What do you think? Got a favorite?

Target Terror Zako01.png Target Terror Zako02.png Target Terror Zako03.png Target Terror Zako04.png Target Terror Zako05.png Target Terror Zako06.png


Potential Patron
Jan 18, 2010
^Oh man, I remember that game, every time the zako of the first image was on-screen, I tried to kill her swiftly and try to discern if her panties were showing :-P


Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
Old-school, lesser known zako! (Part 1)

Hello all,

In honor of those who continue to bring new zako to my attention (Thanks by the way!) this is my first post dedicated to lesser known zako from games, generally from older games and systems. Graphics may not be impressive, but a zako is a zako, and any zako deserves at least a brief mention in our dedicated zako thread!

Last Action Hero (for the Amiga) - This blonde, chain wielding zako is one of the most common enemies in the game. Not too tough, but if she gets a combo started she can do serious damage. Like the zako in Target Renegade, she can be eliminated by getting her in the line of fire of a gun-wielding enemy.
Last Action Hero Amiga01.png Last Action Hero Amiga09.png Last Action Hero Amiga13.png Last Action Hero Amiga15.png

E-Swat (For the Amiga, though it can also be found on Arcade through MAME) - Another blonde zako, this one wears a blue spandex jumpsuit and a leather jacket, and basically does flips and harms your character if she touches you. In the Arcade version she wears pink and throws grenades in addition to flipping around. When defeated she falls back onto her head and ends all folded up.
E-Swat Amiga 04.png E-Swat Amiga 14.png E-Swat Amiga 15.png E-Swat Amiga 01.png E-Swat Amiga 02.png E-Swat Amiga Zako.png


Avid Affiliate
Nov 15, 2011
Regarding the zako from Target Renegade, have you seen these zako in the other versions of this game? For example, in the Amstrad CPC version:
Or in the freely downloadable, independently made remake of Target Renegade for the pc?
May be worth checking out!

Some good finds - I'd seen other versions of the Target Renegade - the Amstrad CPC played very similarly to the Spectrum version I showed before, there was also a Commodore version, which had slightly better, less blocky graphics, but much more elementary gameplay (basically 'walk right and punch') so the zako dont have the same grab you and knee you repeatedly kind of domination like they did on the CPC and spectrum. Finally there was also a version made for the NES which just plain sucked and had very little resemblence to the other games. It did however have an interesting female sub-boss - a kind of gigantic hooker, twice the height of the player - she slams him to the ground and stamps on him with her spiky boots! I'm sure I have some screenshots somewhere, so I'll try and dig them out.

Yeah, I know way too much about this game, I've had this particular weird zako fixation for 20+ years :S I've played the pc remake a bit too, it was a fair effort, but the overall gameplay still wasnt right (walk right and punch, just like the commodore).

These are the main zako from Target Terror. There are a couple more besides these, but they did not really catch my attention. What do you think? Got a favorite?
I really like the look of those zako, I just love bad girls in shiny black pvc! Hard to pick a favourite, but I'll go for the second from left, even after a points deduction for wearing pants :)
Hello all,

In honor of those who continue to bring new zako to my attention (Thanks by the way!) this is my first post dedicated to lesser known zako from games
Two more nice finds, I had an amiga myself, but I've never seen either of those two games before - if that was just part 1, I'm looking forward to seeing what more you have in store :)


Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
Old-school, lesser known zako! (Part 2)

Another zako from an old, 2d Arcade game. The game is "Thunder Jaws" and the zako is called simply "Punker". This is one of my favorite old-school zako. In her style and attitude she seems similar to Soozie from Streets of Rage 3 or Linda from Double Dragon 2 (blonde mohawk, face-paint, leather jacket, pink spandex, bad attitude). She is very agile, flips around everywhere, and attacks using twin blasters attached to her wrists.

You face this zako in the side-scrolling portions of the game:
Thunder Jaws Action 01.png Thunder Jaws Action 02.png Thunder Jaws Action 03.png Gotta watch out for that disintegration ray on the right side of the screen!

As well as in the swimming portions of the game:
Thunder Jaws Scuba Action 03.png Thunder Jaws Scuba Action 04.png

Like I said, I've always really liked this zako. Thoughts? Opinions?


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Club Regular
Dec 19, 2011
@Kimblis I remember these kind of game with digitalized characters was in rage back in early 90's

similar 16 bit arcade shooters
Lethal Enforcer (By Konami)

Under Fire (by Taito)

zako in shoot and run games Iga Ninjutsuden - Goshin no Sho

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Club Regular
Dec 19, 2011
Couple of unusual DOS beat em up

Act of Fighter (Taiwan?)

Eojjeonji Joheun Il-i Saenggil Geot Gateun Jeonyeok (Korea)


Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
DynamiteFetish, thanks for posting the zako from Die Hard Trilogy 2; that's a new one in my book.

Also, your post about the zako in Maximum Force reminded me of another first-person-shooter with a wide variety of zako: Target Terror. It came out for the arcade and for Wii.
These are the main zako from Target Terror. There are a couple more besides these, but they did not really catch my attention. What do you think? Got a favorite?

View attachment 34510View attachment 34511View attachment 34512View attachment 34513View attachment 34514View attachment 34515

Wow, very nice!! That truly looks like the spiritual successor to Maximum Force! Awesome to think a game can recently be made like that... I wonder if this game can be emulated? They are all pretty nice! Short skirts and leather leggings. No complaints! There's something about the first girl - she is almost too cute! In a good way.

^ posts above; This thread is getting very interesting again, keep going! ...
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