Zako (37 Viewers)



Double Dragon: Neon is out on PSN today, and I've been playing it a few hours. There's quite a few more zakos than the original. I know some pictures have been posted already, but just thought I'd give a heads-up.

The Lindas have several different palette-swaps, like old-school beat'em ups, with slight variations to the actual look as well (different tattoos, mostly), and there's even a couple mohawked DD2 versions of her. Geishas, scantily clad kunoichi, and Rocketeer-looking ladies with flying packs are also here. I'd get some screenshots, but it doesn't seem to have screenshot capability, so at best I'd have to wait till I have a bit more time over the weekend.

From a non-zako perspective, it players pretty similarly to other classics of the genre, and there's a ton of nostalgia here (remade tracks from DD1 and 2, various enemies from more than just DD1, some old-school sprites appearing). I wish they went with the cheesy "serious" route of the original, but even so, the humor is pretty funny. I think you'd like it if you liked previous games. As a downside, online "bro-op" isn't available yet, but will allegedly be added in a later patch. :/ Also conspicuously absent are classic moves like the grab-and-knees-to-the-head and the sit-on-them-and-slug-them ones, alas.

Yeah, been watching gameplay vids of DD neon, plenty of zako in it.


Potential Patron
Feb 24, 2010
I downloaded the demo yesterday, tried it today. Gameplay wise... yeah, it's as sluggish and clunky as I thought it was. The dodge mechanic is fun, but the game doesn't feel good to me. I'll take the older games over this any day of the week.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
I downloaded the demo yesterday, tried it today. Gameplay wise... yeah, it's as sluggish and clunky as I thought it was. The dodge mechanic is fun, but the game doesn't feel good to me. I'll take the older games over this any day of the week.
Watched many DDNeon's vidoes, and I think an enemies are slow on their attacks.

It can be enjoyable enough though. I very like Linda and Shura.
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Ryonani Teamster
Dec 20, 2011
I love Neon. The game is such a great homage to the 80's and brawlers of yore, and I love how they pretty much threw the seriousness of the original out the window and made it very comical. I won't give away some of the references and such in the game, but I was rather giddy when certain bosses popped up. The final boss fight itself was amazing and I had such a blast in that fight. Also, the soundtrack is pretty damn good, as well. I love how each mix tape has its own song clip. Little touches like that make the game ooze with personality.

Out of the zako, Linda is an easy favorite. She's just so sexy. She comes in plenty of color swaps, and even gets a Mohawk variant after a few stages that's an homage to her design in DD2, as well as getting a further upgrade with some shoulder pads even later on. She constantly yells raunchy things too, like "Punish me!" when you knock her out, or "Time for some discipline!" and "One your knees, Lees!" when she makes an entrance. Hell, I think one time when she actually knocked me out, she sounded like she was having an orgasm, making very loud moaning sounds. I love her design. The only drawback; the pause screen fills up the ENTIRE screen. You can pause the screen by pressing the Home button to bring up the XMB, but that also darkens the screen, somewhat mucking things up. As far as other zako go, Shura is hot, but her personality is pretty drab. Roxy I just found to be annoying, but of you do manage to knock her on the ground, you can get a nice ass shot. The Geishas just vanish into thin air upon beating them, so they're rather bleh.

I'd love to discuss some of the stuff that's in the concept art. I don't want to spoil anything for anyone who hasn't beaten it yet to unlock it, but there's some definite DLC potential there.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
She constantly yells raunchy things too, like "Punish me!" when you knock her out, or "Time for some discipline!" and "One your knees, Lees!" when she makes an entrance. Hell, I think one time when she actually knocked me out, she sounded like she was having an orgasm, making very loud moaning sounds. I love her design.
How could I forgot to mention that. I like an enemy's speech, especially when a zako speaks it. Quite happy that many games have it.

I don't know about that concept arts, interesting indeed. Maybe I will be able to search them in a few days.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 20, 2011
That's actually why I don't like her. Sexy is a dime a dozen in fighters, I kind of miss the somewhat butch old-school Lindas, they were at least unique. But so it goes, I'm totally outvoted there from what I've seen on the net. :)

As far as the concept art goes... you're right, some totally interesting stuff there. Lilly Lee?!

And taking "sexy" enemies, how about the jet pack girls? Some pants-less concept art, open-shirted versions (is too bad they simply fly off when beaten)... and how about those gothic lolita looking enemies at one point? Here's hoping for that DLC!

Yeah, I've heard some people aren't too big on the more sexual look of her and prefer her older design, so you're not alone. I love her design, though. Especially her black and red with black hair and blue with brown hair color swaps. Those are her hottest, IMO.

And yes, I very much hope there'll be DLC that lets you play as Marian and Lilly. I mean, in the end, Skullmageddon does say he will be back to antagonize Billy and Jimmy, so maybe he'd capture those two, turning the tables a bit and making the ladies do the saving for once lol. Man, though, with Marian in that outfit, I can't see her making it past the first level without getting punished lol.


I always forget to check that board. If you didn't posted them, I will surely miss these masterpieces.....
You are my savior, PhoDacBiet :TT TT:

Got another batch I found. This kunoichis can never catch a break. And I'm totally ok with that.

13348043079.jpg 13341022081.jpg 133575892376.jpg 13353242211.jpg 133410207485.jpg 133411053774.jpg 133411376253.jpg 133454781344.jpg 133419564840.jpg 13342012063.jpg 133394360345.jpg 13339338411.jpg


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
Got another batch I found. This kunoichis can never catch a break. And I'm totally ok with that.
They are an illusts of mitora(ミトラ)
I found his art several years ago, at the time I just had a crush on jokunoichi, and lost them. He like to draw zako and villainess.

mitora's site (old) - "¹Å’ˆ«-"š"šc"šdˆÈÂ~ÂÕ'n
mitora's site (current) - ˆ«-"šDEˆÈÂ~
mitora's pixiv - 「Mito.ã€Âã®ã"šÂ¤Ã£Æ’©ã"šÂ¹Ã£Æ’ˆ [pixiv]
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Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
How could I forgot to mention that. I like an enemy's speech, especially when a zako speaks it. Quite happy that many games have it.

Me too! I recently love the comments from the girls in God Hand; I could listen to the way some of the zako say "onnnn your knees" with a patronising pose after slapping your face off or combo-kicking you all day, as some of the zako do on the air-base level.

Also love Dynamite Cop zako with the seductive laughter and "damn it", "not even" etc.


Potential Patron
Mar 7, 2010


Potential Patron
Mar 7, 2010
[more than an hour later]
Checked both sites (that NNin told off, Thanks~) and found some kunoichi pictures that is missed...(including some old drawings, not much though)
kunoiti.jpg tenchu2.jpg tenchu2.jpg tenchu7.jpg tenchu12.jpg tenchu15.jpg
But...I found other pictures as well...isn't Aika and ...erm..Derumo(?) considered Zako? Cue the Pictures~
derumo.jpg derumo2.jpg derumo3.jpg derumo4.jpg derumo5.jpg
aika1.jpg aika2.jpg aika3.jpg aika4.jpg
{PIXIV LINKS TO BE ADDED AND EDITED IN}(...urgh the picture have to be uploaded seperately...can't just link it...drats...)
Hmmph...[feel proud of self]
Founded many through all available links...and some hidden through typing manually~ Enjoy!
P.S. the pixiv links got the alternate pictures as well as the original ones...the difference is one of them got 'liquids' (pee or somewhat) coming out...
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Club Regular
Jul 21, 2012
ok I just found another zako game. it's Fatalfight of StudioS. At first i thought it's just an normal zako fighting game

but i found out this[/img]

the game that they show on youtube is just an iphone version, they cut off those part
Here is the full version, work on window Fatal Fight | HentaiGameHero
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Master of this Domain
Dec 3, 2010
I'm almost certain it's been linked before, but I think this is actually out now. Which is a game pretty much about female enemies sexually assaulting you. Of course it's in japanese and you gotta jump through hoops to run the demo so I imagine the finished product will need even more, but it's kinda the only game I've ever seen that is all about that theme.


Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
I haven't made a substantial post in a while so here’s a nice little scribble someone kindly drew for me of our Queen, Nora. :jk:


And a short review on Double Dragon: Neon.

Double Dragon: Neon is quite a good game; the zako content is enjoyable; though it's worth noting a lot of it has a light-hearted feel.

Pros -

Linda and all her palette swaps are really quite nice. (I too, as has been mentioned in this thread like her blue uniform with the dark brunette hair; like a mock-police uniform, very sexy to admire. I was really hoping for this sort of thing ... I also got that deep warm feeling when the yellow uniformed (favourite colour) with pink hair variant made a grand appearance with a whip wielding green-uniformed variant and claimed it was "mmmm, time for some discipline"). Their entrance dialogue such as this is good, I like too how aggressive they sound with the "on your knees idiots!" phrases. I wish there was more of it. I too like the fact the Linda’s have very heavy damage with their whips, and are better than the male enemies on early levels (at least) and especially. I really like the comments they make if they manage to deplete your life gauge (literally orgasm-esque to the patronising). They are somewhat over-the-top, and sure to gain a lot of admirers ... Hopefully.

The Geisha zako are a mixture of bitch to submissive to 'their lord' and 'master' characters; their teleport attacks are quite fun to watch, nice animations with the throwing fans. They have some nice dialogue too. I don't mind them fading when they are finished, as it's kind of pitiful somehow as they moan of failure.

There are also the assassin knife zako (not familiar with the name) which are okay, need to pay more attention to them. I like the somewhat unavoidable counter they have if you are near them when grounded, also dialogue. Like Linda they seem to have a few variants, I found the fully black-clothed ninja variant with big logo on the breast quite appealing.

The flying-rocket zako are kind of sexy; I like how when they are properly grounded they totter about on their black knee high boots yet try and act so cool and formally when in the air and attacking. Their defeat animation and dialogue with it is *okay* but it would have been nice to see at least some of them crash or into the screen. I quite liked the "it's nothing personal" quip one made when finishing me.


Cons -

Is Double Dragon Neon a game you would put on purely for zako, or (my favourite) reverse-zako appeal? Maybe, maybe not. Collectively, the zako could do with a bit more.. Oomph, maybe. I was surprised about the lack of taunting and posturing (I've been spoiled by zako gems such as God Hand and Die Hard Arcade); I would like to have seen Linda making more comments or laughing as you fight others, or at least after she beats you rather than not a lot. The zako in the two games mentioned as examples are literally dripping with a bitchy, vicious vibe which they love showing, and clearly really enjoy either hurting you or achieving their goals. That is just oh so appealing. The lack of grab moves is a bit disappointing. I would really liked to have seen Linda do a grab-and-slap attack, or knee you in the stomach etc. There is no straddling, or ground-moves of any sort. Something with a more raw, aggressive street fighting style which would fit the settings. Likewise you can't really do any grabs or throws either. I wanted to straddle Linda, maybe roll with her on the floor; you can't even knee her once. That leads to another con; the game does not take itself too seriously. So whilst not being totally-watered down, it seems to me they could maybe have played it a little less 'safe' with some of these aspects. No feigning-surrender or fake-crouch moves also were a disappointment.

So are the zako sexy? Yes. Are they able to beat you, enjoy it hugely, you to beat them, and really not enjoy it? These are all true; yet I am left wanting more. Even with far older games and of the true 2D variety, where imagination is needed.. It is evident the zako are showing more character. With such good ideas and designs I would like to have seen more rawness and ideas developed further.

Maybe I've just been spoiled by other games?


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
The lack of grab moves is a bit disappointing. I would really liked to have seen Linda do a grab-and-slap attack, or knee you in the groin etc.
Fixed XD

Good review, Dyamite. While the game grants a good sexy and naughty zako, it's somewhat disappoint that both Lee and zako lack a moves. And that make the game has less ryona/reverse-ryona than I expected. Hope Linda has more than two moves in armed and unarmed mode, or can stun you.

Also I think there are at least 3 games that can spoil people.
Die Hard Arcade - a sexy zako with taunt and WIDE VARIETY of attacks from them.
God Hand - a sexy zako with naughty personality, possess many attacks and grab moves. And have many outfits.
Watchmen: The End is Nigh Part2 - a dominatrix zako in revealing outfit. Have many conversation while fighting, good moves to watch and counter moves (including groin kick).

These 3 have high quality of zako. And one who have played them will expect the same level of zako from other games.

Edited: Oh, Tenchu and Shinobido have a good quality kunoichi zako too. They have taunt, grab and deadly moves.
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Ah, Kisirian's works. Saw quite a few of those; his favourite themes are hordes of mask-wearing females (not exactly full-face masks though, just covering the mouth and nose) fighting against (usually) some sort of monstrosity or an insanely strong protag. Very, very gruesome outcomes. I suppose these works belong in the Guro subforum but since it also has zako, I guess it's OK.

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