Zako (3 Viewers)


Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012

Oh no...we're on zombies now?

I appreciate many different kinds of zako, but not zombies, simply because...well...they're zombies. Walking corpses. Probably all rotting and smelling and stuff.

Although they can be ok if we mean the type of zombie that is simply a brainwashed or mind-controlled person, or someone infected by some disease that makes them mindless and hostile (but who is still technically alive rather than a walking corpse with all the nastiness that entails (like maggots and flesh coming off and stuff decomposing...ugh, sorry for that mental image).

Anyway, if we must do the topic of zombies, I actually do know of at least one game that feature female zombie enemies that are sort of made gratuitously sexy. It's a 2d flash game, playable online (as usual, I go for old-school, 2d games and graphics for whatever reason).
It's called "Tequila Zombies 2". You choose a male or female hero and gun down waves of various zombie enemies over three different levels.
The first level includes zombie strippers:
Tequila Zombies 01.png Tequila Zombies 02.png

The second level has zombie nurses who perform high kicking techniques, which really hurt (probably due to those heels):
Tequila Zombies 03.png

The third level has zombie hookers:
Tequila Zombies 04.png

As well as some weird, nude, demon, crab or spider ladies. The fem-crab-spider demons try to get the hero with their pincer-like claws:
Tequila Zombies 05.png

He pulls out his assault rifle and feeds them lead, causing them to collapse and throw-up some green gooey stuff:
Tequila Zombies 06.png

Then pulls out his mini-gun as he leaves the weird demon ladies scattered about the area. Although these fem-crab-spider-demons are no longer a threat, there could be more dangerous enemies elsewhere!
Tequila Zombies 07.png

You can tell I sort of lazily put these screenshots together, copying and pasting from one shot into another, simply so that I could show all the different enemies and their poses and stuff without putting up dozens of screenshots.
Anyway, link to play the game is here: Tequila Zombies 2 //
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Ryonani Teamster
Nov 24, 2009
Stuff about zombies

There is a kinect game for the xbox 360 that had this sort of zombie called Rise of Nightmares, there is a playthrough on youtube probably but they are also gratuitously sexified and not rotting or any of that sort of thing.
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Ryonani Teamster
Dec 15, 2009
is zako only when the henchwomen are beat up? or if the henchwomen gang up on the heroine and beat her, is that also zako?


Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
is zako only when the henchwomen are beat up? or if the henchwomen gang up on the heroine and beat her, is that also zako?

It can be either. I prefer the henchwomen losing to the hero.
I like the idea of the henchbabes thinking they have the advantage due to numbers or simple arrogance, only to suddenly have the tables turned on them and becoming fragile and weak as they are defeated. Sort of a transformation from tough and cocky to damsel in distress. Plus, since they are disposable minions and work for the bad side, they don't usually get sympathy or mercy from the good guys, or the other bad guys, or the audience.

But many others here prefer the henchwomen winning, and beating up on the hero. Still others prefer a back and forth battle (which I admit can be kind of fun).

So I don't think zako is a narrow concept. Others here can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think as long as the scenario involves expendable female baddies, it's all good. :)


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
It can be either. I prefer the henchwomen losing to the hero.
I like the idea of the henchbabes thinking they have the advantage due to numbers or simple arrogance, only to suddenly have the tables turned on them and becoming fragile and weak as they are defeated. Sort of a transformation from tough and cocky to damsel in distress. Plus, since they are disposable minions and work for the bad side, they don't usually get sympathy or mercy from the good guys, or the other bad guys, or the audience.

But many others here prefer the henchwomen winning, and beating up on the hero. Still others prefer a back and forth battle (which I admit can be kind of fun).

So I don't think zako is a narrow concept. Others here can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think as long as the scenario involves expendable female baddies, it's all good. :)
Yes, I second that.

I'm leanning toward zako winning and back and forth battle though.
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Casual Client
May 29, 2012
I'm with Kimblis on this one - the first paragraph that is.

But whatever floats your boat - is a broad concept


Potential Patron
Apr 14, 2012
Zakos are just bunch of generic"nobodies"...they can be enemies or allies usually not powerful and insignificant and easily dispatched.
For me it is a fetish for coz even though they are meant to be nobodies...without individual names, yet often they are hot girls and
One can imagine that they have their own stories such as how they end up joining some evil forces and what not
And the best thing is unlike bosses or a main character there isn't real sentimental attachment so out they get killed
Or beaten you don't linger around it but just move on cos there are many more of them...

Amazon Shark

Master of this Domain
Aug 21, 2012
Is it a Zako scene if there is only one? There are scenes where there is the 1 henchgirl, and a bunch of henchmen. Would that be something different?


Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
Is it a Zako scene if there is only one? There are scenes where there is the 1 henchgirl, and a bunch of henchmen. Would that be something different?

Usually there are more than one...the more the better. But if the one henchgirl is treated just like the other henchmen, and not given a special background story or independent character or special treatment, and she is just there to be another mook or baddie, I think that would still count as zako.

Other opinions?


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
Usually there are more than one...the more the better. But if the one henchgirl is treated just like the other henchmen, and not given a special background story or independent character or special treatment, and she is just there to be another mook or baddie, I think that would still count as zako.

Other opinions?
I think she's still count as normal zako too.
Usually a kind of those scenes are hero's infiltrating some bases and take out one unlucky female guard standing around there.

Though I think I had saw ones, I can't remember much about scene with only 1 zako. In games, 1-on-1 with zako is normal anyway :P

Joe Bloggs

Club Regular
Aug 5, 2011
Is it a Zako scene if there is only one? There are scenes where there is the 1 henchgirl, and a bunch of henchmen. Would that be something different?

I would say so. Remember she may just be some kind of junior officer or squad leader. A slightly higher ranking form of mook, but still cannon fodder none the less.

If she is kitted out in a similar fashion or has a female version of the mook uniform; the base may just have a disparity between the numbers of men and women employed. Most games with female enenmies are like this.


Potential Patron
Apr 14, 2012
An example would be the 88 gang in kill bill...there were a couple of girls in suits in the gang that were killed...but the girl with morning star-yoyo kobari?? Is not a zako but a mid boss...
Zako just means just goons male or female...but everyone here is talking about onna zako or the female goons wheather they are amazons or kunoichis or combatants or army


Casual Client
Aug 27, 2012
Just introducing myself (and sharing a few links)


I hope this is a proper place to post this, but of course feel free to move it to the appropriate forum if not. I'm a 3D artist known in the community as SnowSultan and I wanted to pass along a few links that zako fans might be interested in. I have no interest at all in Ryona or heroines in peril, but I've always liked generic female enemies in games and movies and use them to some extent in my own art. I didn't even know they had a name (zako) until recently, and also did not know about this forum until yesterday (which I found through a link, I think by Kimblis). Anyway, here are a few deviantArt artists you may want to take a look at if you don't already know about them.

Shabazik: Shabazik on deviantART
This is the king of all zako as far as I'm concerned; his Shiks have even been portrayed in Sleeperkid's World videos, he makes very good AIKa fanart, and exciting action scenes with heroines fighting multiple female enemies. He also does commissions.

Warajiya: warajiya on deviantART
Japanese 3D artist who also makes very action-packed scenes with gun and amazon zako. His art can be quite violent though. He also has some experience in modding PC games.

Me :) SnowSultan on deviantART
Most of my own art is of a fantasy fighting maiden named Smacky and her allies who battle demonesses and gorgons. I also have a few non-fantasy femfighting pics and I'm always running polls regarding how to fight them and looking for visitor suggestions (although I'm not doing commissions, I'm too slow).

I hope I and these other artists can provide images you enjoy, and I look forward to reading through this thread and the other zako forums more carefully to see what interesting finds you have come up with. Thanks very much for your time.

Small versions of two of my more popular images attached below, I hope you can see them OK.

The_Extinguisher_by_SnowSultan.jpg and_stay_down__lost_version___afro_fix__by_snowsultan-d4am09p.jpg


Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
Welcome Snow. I've been a fan of your artwork for quite some time. Curvy evil demonesses being defeated by a hot afro-amazon...what's not to like? :)
I'm glad you've found your way here, and look forward to your participation.

It's fitting that you mentioned Shabazik, as just today he posted another piece of artwork featuring a battle between two groups of disposable female minions...and he has quite a few pics showing disposable minions versus a heroic character (similar to your Smacky vs the demonesses).

azimuth_pharmaceuticals_by_shabazik-d5cusrl.jpg Clone_soldier_and_Shiks_by_Shabazik.jpg

I'd showcase some more of his stuff, but I would want to ask his permission I'm not sure which thread it would go in. The Zako from comics thread? The Original zako thread? Maybe we need a new thread just for Deviant Art stuff?

Speaking of which, for anyone who still only reads this one thread, there is some good stuff starting to come in the other threads of this zako subforum. Check it out. :)


Casual Client
Aug 27, 2012
Thank you very much, I'm glad that you have enjoyed my art! :)

I did see Shabazik's new image today and I spent a while looking through his whole gallery a while back too. That guy can sure crank out images! Be sure to check his Scraps gallery too, there are a few good zako pics in there too.

You should probably ask him before posting any more just to be safe. I don't mind people reposting my images as long as they don't sell or take credit for them (and mentioning me as the creator is always appreciated). :)

Maybe the Comic thread could be renamed as an "Art" thread so it covers dA, comics, and any other art? I don't know, whatever you think would help make them easier to find. ;)


Casual Client
Aug 27, 2012
Wow, amazing gallery. I really like the one called "Save Room for Dessert." Love how sassy they look. Thanks for sharing!

Thank you very much for taking a look! Haha, yes that's one of the few images (just two I think) where I have the bad girls winning. ;) They shouldn't lose every time (just most of the time). :)


Club Regular
Aug 10, 2011
Thank you very much for taking a look! Haha, yes that's one of the few images (just two I think) where I have the bad girls winning. ;) They shouldn't lose every time (just most of the time). :)
But they should always be confident of their victory. :)

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