Zako (4 Viewers)


Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
Now I have a good excuse to play Robocop (2003) ...

Haha, I remember thinking those women were one of the best things from the third film. It would have been nice to have seen a whole lot more of them, really..

I seem to remember there being rifle-wielding zako that hid behind corners in one of the Robocop Vs Terminator games too?


Avid Affiliate
Nov 15, 2011
I agree on all your points, and couldn't have said it much better myself. Target: Renegade was the first game I can ever remember making me think for the first time about this kind of stuff. That's now lead me to an interest and a forum like this. I guess it really is a small world, heh.

Beyond their sexy design, all boobs, minidress and heels, these girls were a lot more hands-on and brutal than other female fighters at the time. None of the usual kick-flips and so on, none of the often ladylike behaviour, they waded in with punches, spiked bats and knees. Rather than the usual 'quick speed, low power' routine they could clearly hit just as hard as the hero and out-muscle him if he wasn't careful.

I too loved the way they would trap you between them, both girls landing punches then one of them pressing up close behind a grabbed hero as if cutting off any chance of escape. Or how it wasn't just a single knee but three, the hooker holding your hero firmly in place, completely helpless to stop her as she took her time in landing three crushing blows.

I mean, damn, just look at that second gif you posted. Classic example there of this. The martial-artist hero's got the spiked club and he's facing a scantily-clad woman. She should be in serious trouble. Instead she punches him senseless, ruthlessly beats his balls until he collapses then tramples her hooker heels over him to grab the club for herself. Pretty owned there.

It was a great game anyway, finished it several times, but that second level made it memorable. On odd occasion I'd zip through the first level then just leave the keyboard alone and let the hookers beat and bust the hell out of the poor hero. Does that lean towards...gyaku, is it? New words for me. On the other hand if you like you can clobber this level full of zakos so that fits too!

Later on there were others, like Poison and Roxy in Final Fight or those zakos in Dynamic Cop (over here it was called Die Hard Arcade), but Target: Renegade was where it started for me.

Okay, enough memory lane babbling, lol.
I'm a bit slow to post but very glad to hear from another with the same fascination these ladies! (and welcome to the forum!) I have to admit that I've done the same thing of leaving the player to get totally dominated at the start of the level once or twice myself :S The women fight so much more brutally before they get to use their spiked club weapon! I think this might be one of my all time favorite zako levels (after Final Fight's bay area!)

Ever since I did the first commissioned artwork of them back in 2009, I cant help wanting to see more artwork of them - I actually have a commission of these zakos underway at the moment with the same artist who did 'Blaze vs the Soozies' for Kimblis. It's my first sequential artwork, and is looking pretty good so far! It should be done any day now so I'll post back later.


Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
Haha, I remember thinking those women were one of the best things from the third film. It would have been nice to have seen a whole lot more of them, really...I seem to remember there being rifle-wielding zako that hid behind corners in one of the Robocop Vs Terminator games too?

I agree, the only reason I watched the terrible Robocop 3 movie was because I noticed there were female punks among the bad guys and I wondered if they would see any action or end up getting the same 'Robocop' treatment as the male baddies...which they did, although the scene wasn't very good.

Regarding any further zako in the Robocop games...if you find anymore in the PC version, by all means post them. I don't remember the rifle zako you mentioned from Robocop vs Terminator, but like I said, I know I missed one female enemy from a Robocop game so it is very possible that I missed others. However, I'm all Robocop'd out, so it will be up to someone else!
Still, thanks to everyone for the likes and/or replies, it inspires me to post more zako! And there are still tons more out there! I've got a long list that I've barely put a dent in, and I'm sure there are others out there who have much to contribute as well.


Potential Patron
Jul 29, 2012
I'm a bit slow to post but very glad to hear from another with the same fascination these ladies! (and welcome to the forum!) I have to admit that I've done the same thing of leaving the player to get totally dominated at the start of the level once or twice myself :S The women fight so much more brutally before they get to use their spiked club weapon! I think this might be one of my all time favorite zako levels (after Final Fight's bay area!)

Ever since I did the first commissioned artwork of them back in 2009, I cant help wanting to see more artwork of them - I actually have a commission of these zakos underway at the moment with the same artist who did 'Blaze vs the Soozies' for Kimblis. It's my first sequential artwork, and is looking pretty good so far! It should be done any day now so I'll post back later.
Well that sounds great, I know I'm not the only one looking forward to seeing the results there. Commissioned art is a fantastic way for lesser-known characters to get some spotlight.

And thanks for the welcome!


Im new here as well, and its this thread that got me in...haha

I didnt know this could qualify as a fetish i remember playing Streets of Rage as a kid and always having a special feeling for the "noras" in the game.
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Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
Im new here as well, and its this thread that got me in...haha

I didnt know this could qualify as a fetish i remember playing Streets of Rage as a kid and always having a special feeling for the "noras" in the game.

Welcome aboard; as probably previously mentioned that is exacty where it started for me, too. I haven't looked back. :p I'd be interested to know how many people have been affected by those girls.. interesting thoughts.


Just found this awesome piece of Nora art. Makes a nice background too...

angle333's deviantART gallery



Content Creator
Jun 22, 2011
Decided to reinstall Soldier of Fortune II for a little bit of the ol' Ultraviolence.

I was delighted to find these female enemies on the Hong Kong level. They appear to be female triad members, armed with Micro Uzis. The game has an overzealous gore engine. Shooting them with an assault rifle or a shotgun would cause their intestines to fall out or their limbs to fall off and Im not into that, so i stick with the pistol. The game also gives you the option to knock them out with the but of your pistol, which causes them to go to sleep. If you want to be a nice guy you can knock them out and take their weapons, forcing them to run away after they wake up. However I like to roleplay the characters the way they were written. John Mullins served in Vietnam and probably has no qualms about killing women (or children for that matter) and hes not a nice guy.

My favorite mechanic of the game is the ability to throw the dead enemies over your shoulder (this is a major fetish for me) and place them wherever you want. The only thing its missing is good graphics, and maybe a third person mode to see who you are carrying.

dahoniez.jpg dahoniez2.jpg dahoniez3.jpg dahoniez4.jpg


Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
Thanks horatiojones80, this is a new zako for me. And she's a hottie as well; I like her choice of clothing. However, I don't care for gore or blood, and even the pistol here seems pretty violent (looks like she was shot in the throat - ouch). Though you said she can be knocked out as well? Can you still carry her around if she's only knocked out? I also like the ability to carry/drag defeated enemies (though not when they are bleeding heavily or mutilated).


Casual Client
May 29, 2012
Oh yeah, Soldier of Fortune 2 is great for Zakos. In addition to the Hong Kong Gangmember, there is also a set of female Prometheus Soldiers in the final 2-3 levels.

They are not buxom femme fatales in leather, but look like real professional military types - like 'just another one of the boys'. They can also expect as much mercy from Mullins as their male counterparts!! A few screenshots I have had a while (4-5 years) are below.

shot0001.png shot0009.png shot0013.png shot0024.png shot0027.png shot0041.png shot0067.png shot0069.png shot0077.png shot0078.png shot0184.png shot0185.png shot0186.png shot0187.png shot0194.png


Casual Client
May 29, 2012
Yeah, that's a cracking mod - again, a selection of screenshots is below.

shot0109.png shot0134.png shot0138.png shot0141.png shot0142.png shot0144.png shot0180.png shot0170.png shot0180.png shot0181.png shot0196.png shot0203.png shot0208.png shot0241.png shot0253.png shot0254.png shot0259.png

This last one is interesting - am not 100% sure how I managed it - but this Zako decided she had enough and started pleading for mercy! She is definitely a Zako - and not a civilian (there are male and female civilians in a number of levels) - but I managed to disarm her. I am pretty sure it was through knocking her out and her coming around afterward.



  • shot0150.png
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Joe Bloggs

Club Regular
Aug 5, 2011
Wow that's something else hey? I know enemies definitely come to after being ko-ed. I have also seen some of the Hong Kong ninja type enemies on the modded SOF Fortune's Babes run around flailing their arms about if they don't have weapons. But this is something new. Will have to re-install the game and check it out. Good find.

Oh yeah, Soldier of Fortune 2 is great for Zakos. In addition to the Hong Kong Gangmember, there is also a set of female Prometheus Soldiers in the final 2-3 levels.

They are not buxom femme fatales in leather, but look like real professional military types - like 'just another one of the boys'. They can also expect as much mercy from Mullins as their male counterparts!! A few screenshots I have had a while (4-5 years) are below.

Glad someone else pointed this out. I recently tried tweaking the mod so as to have more female enemies but still retaining the male baddies too. So as to have maybe a 50:50 ratio. The idea of females serving alongside and being offed no differently to male enemies adds to their 'zakoness' sometimes. Alas it was beyond my abilities to do so. The vanilla game has a pitiful number of females to blast.

Curiously they are much less well armed than most of their male comrades on the same levels.

Also the Hong kong babes on the mod lose their appeal I think. They go from low level criminal street thugs to uniformed military types. Would have been good to keep them as the female thugs so as to add variety methinks.
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Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
It's a good mod, there are some really unusual bugs with it though. The only one that is game-breaking or nearly is on the 'sneaking into the mansion' level .. the boss types are stuck idle at the front, and you can go and shoot them etc, which is weird. The level is as close to broken without actually being broken. Another bug includes some of the zako bitches having ak47s that actually fire shotgun shells at the rate of an ak47... Lethal. I managed to complete the game on the hardest difficulty with the mod; I love all the chit-chat from the girls as well. It's quite varied yet also has a zako-repetition feel to it.

My only complaint apart from bugs is about the Hong Kong level. It would have been good to keep a few of the thug-girls in, as they are great. Almost too cute if you ask me; I think saying they are less well armed is a little unfair... They have micro-uzis and grenades, often. Zero body armour, though.

This last one is interesting - am not 100% sure how I managed it - but this Zako decided she had enough and started pleading for mercy! She is definitely a Zako - and not a civilian (there are male and female civilians in a number of levels) - but I managed to disarm her. I am pretty sure it was through knocking her out and her coming around afterward.

Really??? Are you sure? I can't tell if she is definitely a zako from that shot. I've played the game a lot, and never seen it - though I didn't do a lot of stealth ko or kills. If they actually do that sometimes, that is an awesome discovery... I want more.
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Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
Battletoads & Double Dragon - Linda Lash zako

That's some great art of Linda losing badly. The only disappointment is that it's only one page, so we don't get to see the conclusion or aftermath of the fight.

Still, it made me want to bring out some classic Linda zako from the 2-D era. Anyone remember "Battletoads & Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team"?
It came out on SNES, Genesis, NES, and Gameboy, and although the Dark Queen always gets plenty of attention as the villainess of the Battletoads franchise, Linda the zako never got much attention. In every version of this game she's a dangerous enemy, striking very fast and hard with her whip. You can lose a life to her very quickly if you're not careful. However, both the Battletoads and the Double Dragons have some pretty brutal techniques of their own: the Dragons grab the Lindas by their hair, lift them off the ground, and pummel their stomachs until they're done for. The Battletoads grab the Lindas' hair from behind, kick them in the rear a few times, and then use their hair to slam them back and forth on the ground.

Here's her concept art from the SNES manual: Battletoads Double Dragon manual linda zako.png
And a "remastered" version of her SNES sprite (I don't know who the artist is): lindaremaster_2.jpg

SNES Sprites:
Battletoads Double Dragon SNES Linda Zako.png

Battletoads Double Dragon Genesis Linda Zako.png

NES. In this version she gets punched straight in the face rather than the stomach:
Battletoads Double Dragon NES Linda Zako.png

Gameboy. In this version the Double Dragon character looks like a giant compared to the Linda zako:
Battletoads Double Dragon Gameboy Linda Zako.png

And finally, a video comparing and contrasting the differences in graphics and sound between the different versions. Of course, this comparison is done by fighting against each version of the Linda zako!



  • Battletoads Double Dragon manual linda zako.png
    Battletoads Double Dragon manual linda zako.png
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  • Battletoads Double Dragon SNES Linda Zako.png
    Battletoads Double Dragon SNES Linda Zako.png
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Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
Thanks for the post Kimblis, more games to add to the play-through collection!!

Oh holy crap.

edit: I just came back here to admirte Nora's gorgeousness again... you guys can have Linda. I'll gladly take Nora.

She's a really... REALLY bad girl...

Tell me about it... I've been thinking that for the past 18 years or so.... :] <3

Dan Druff

Club Regular
Mar 16, 2012
And finally, a video comparing and contrasting the differences in graphics and sound between the different versions. Of course, this comparison is done by fighting against each version of the Linda zako!

Resets don't work in this game because damage doesn't accumulate on enemies. Anyway, I saw this video of Resident Evil 3 of female zombies having their way with our heroes. Jill is only in the video once, and I don't know enough Resident Evil to identify the guy who dies (happy?) repeatedly in the video. It's hot how the female zombie mounts the player upon defeat.
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