Zako (16 Viewers)


Jul 14, 2012
Liked all the female zako getting taken out by that little boy! At least until things got weird and later they changed into flying lions shooting laser beams from their mouths! Lol!


Avid Affiliate
Feb 19, 2013

Great find indeed...
I searched further, and found out that it is an episode from the anime Pygmalio, broadcasted in a few European countries.
There isn't much about that on the web. I've only come across a short thread in a Jap blog.
Google Translator will help anyone interested into the texts.
The whole story comes straight from No.22 of a (quite gory, actually!) manga which I've been able to dig out here.
The provided link sends directly to the beginning of the big battle: page 60 corresponding to page 115 of the comic. There isn't much to see before that.

What I also managed to locate is a HD version of the episode, here and here.
It is dubbed in French, which I understand better than Spanish, then I managed to follow the plot of the episode.
Briefly... Caral (the little boy) is a demi-god whose princess friend has been poisoned. An antidote is available in the central tower of a labyrinthic fortress, comprised of a series of fortifications guarded by a huge army of female warriors: tens of thousands (possibly 50,000) as stated somewhere in the original manga.
The mistress of the palace, named Chimera, is a superhuman being too, gifted with magical powers and capable of turning herself into a giant Sphinx and her soldiers into flying, laser-breathing lions. Caral killed her brother and she wants vengeance, then she wants to capture Caral alive because killing him would "grant him a ticket to heaven".

Caral assaults the castle frontally and starts by tearing down the walls, one by one. One of the guards on the battlements reminds the others that received orders to take him alive.
On the contrary Caral is determined to cut his way through anyone standing in his way to the antidote: hordes of woefully outmatched guards pay with their young lives for trying to stop his murderous wake.

He blows up walls, burying many under the rubble. Once inside he mercilessly butchers the brave warriors by the hundreds with his magical sword. He crushes entire squadrons throwing blocks of collapsed fortification at them. He causes earthquakes and opens chasms into which dozens fall to their death.
At some point even a giant slug-like entity, then a tentacled eye and finally an army of golden statues, join the relentless massacre of the guards.

Caral shows no pity or remorse for the hundreds of lives he takes in order to save his friend: he slaughters the legion of helpless young female soldiers with total indifference. They are just a mere nuisance to a demi-god: they never stood a chance and all he cares about is to exterminate them quickly and efficiently, because he needs the antidote ASAP.
As fast as the brave warriors stream into the fight, he cuts them down. Dozens squeal and drop before the brutal work of his unquenchable blade! He leaves behind piles of gasping fallen. A plague of steel and blood descends upon the impossibly outmatched guards and when he approaches the tower they fight even harder, though not necessarily longer.

When Chimera's spell turns what is left of the army into flying lions (utter idiocy, by the way!) the carnage continues and the mutated warriors keep getting massacred by the dozens... until the conclusion of the story, in Episode 39.

Needless to say... I liked the anime and the manga, a lot! Unfortunately the rest of the series is quite dull, with apparently no other appearance of Chimera and her army of expendable female warriors, apart from a few gory pages in N. 21 of the comic book.

However, I can't help wondering why such sublime example of female Zako hasn't come out earlier on this forum... or elsewhere!
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Avid Affiliate
Feb 19, 2013
I took a series of screenshots...

Chimera's soldiers start to die falling from destroyed battlements! Caught by surprise by the powerful strike, several overconfident guards perish in the devastating inital attack. The loss of a few soldiers is negligible, but they start taking Caral more seriously.
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An entire regiment attacks frontally... but he easily cuts his way through them. Chimera surely didn't expect him to be such a lethal enemy, and many guards are about to pay with their young lives for the error of their mistress.
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Chimera's army is vast and comprised of thousands of expendable soldiers: she is willing to sacrifice any number of them to subjugate Caral! He neither enjoys nor dislikes dicing up the young guards: the lives of mortals mean nothing to a demi-god.
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A squadron of warriors tries to subjugate him, but they get blown away like rag dolls... They can just get up and walk away with their lives, or fight him and die.
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Mercilessly cut open, many lose their young lives in futile assaults. Blindly devoted to their mistress, the surge of young soldiers continues, but after several minutes of butchery, with one final thrust the entire legion is eliminated.
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The leftovers of the initial bloodbath litter the battlefield, but another regiment bravely attacks...
Caral charges: the faster he turns these guards into carrion, the sooner he can move on with his quest.
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Waves of dedicated warriors die in vain trying to stop a semi-god determined to butcher any mortal who stands in his way...
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Surrounded! But it takes more than a few dozens of adolescent soldiers to take him down, and he means to make them learn it the hard way!
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He puts his deadly sword to work: every slash a kill, every thrust fatal, the guards drop like flies: he leaves behind heaps of dead and dying young warriors.
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Slicing his way through scores of hopelessly outmatched adolescents, he runs forward. The futile attempt to delay his advance is paid with the lives of dozens of soldiers...
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One after another, countless surging guards squeal and drop before the lethal blade of the unstoppable invader... as he approaches the tower the attacks grow more desperate. With a final slash through a squawking target, he earns the wall ahead.
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Avid Affiliate
Feb 19, 2013
Next batch...

For every brave warrior that falls, more take her place: the army is comprised of thousands of soldiers and Chimera is prepared to sacrifice as many young warriors as necessary to capture the slayer of her brother...
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Blindly devoted to their mistress, the guards relentlessly attack the invader, who efficiently cuts them open one after another!
They must be aware by now that they are no match for him, but if they are willing to sacrifice their lives fighting, he surely doesn't mind slaying a horde of worthless adolescents.
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A quick chat on a battlefield strewn with scattered felled enemies gets interrupted...
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... but the inopportune young soldiers immediately pay the price of their insolence with their negligible lives! Effortlessly, he cuts them open in mere instants, leaves the carcasses behind and returns to the conversation.
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Surrounded again: there is still a multitude of guards between him and the next wall!
He has been painting the walls with the blood of the young guards for hours, and their ranks are dwindling rapidly but Chimera has deployed her whole army against Caral!
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Despite the catastrophic losses, the brave warriors close the circle around their foe, who surprisingly sheathes his sword.
He is clearly up to something out of the ordinary... which is probably going to cost their lives to many of these young guards.
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The inept rabble is resolute: dozens attack disorderly together, confident that Caral can't possibly gut them all! The unseasoned young soldiers are however about to pay a ghasly price for this reckless frontal attack to a demi-god!
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He has precise plans for how to dispose of these overconfident brats.
He punches the ground, and an earthquake opens several chasms under the feet of the startled guards! Caral enjoys the view of dozens of terrified warriors falling to their death!
His heart sings at the sight of such rightful massacre!
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Avid Affiliate
Feb 19, 2013
3rd and last batch of screenshots.

After the chasms swallowed most of the warriors, Caral gets rid of a small group of terrified survivors... lifting up the ground and burying them alive!
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The next wall goes down and the dozens of brave warriors behind lose their lives in the carnage that ensues...
He shows no mercy for the woefully outmatched foes: their lives mean nothing to him! He will gladly butcher the entire army of tens of thousands if necessary to obtain the antidote and save his friend!
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There seems to be no end to the wholesale slaughter of the helpless guards: as fast as they stream on the battlefield, he cuts them down... They die by the hundreds, and yet they keep surging the apparently unstoppable enemy.
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Chimera's troops are but a nuisance for the demi-god: just about any way to end their worthless lives he can think of is used against them without mercy or remorse. He deals death upon entire squadrons, throwing large chunks of the fortification at the defenseless guards!
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The monster Zanza joins the fight! It bears a grudge against Chimera, and scores of her warriors pay the price of its wrath with their young lives! It tears down walls in its advance, burying several dozens of terrified soldiers under the debris!
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Chimera casts a spell and her decimated army morphs into flying, laser-shooting lions. This won't slow down their deaths, though: it only makes them far less... interesting!?
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Here are a few samples of Chimera's guards being mercillessly mass-murdered in the manga...
It's pretty obvious that the anime is extremely faithful to the original.
1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg 5.jpg 6.jpg 7.jpg 8.jpg 9.jpg 10.jpg

Hope you all enjoy!
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Avid Affiliate
Feb 19, 2013
Awesome work dude. They really are amazing Zako, and your descriptions add to the atmosphere.

I am really glad that you (and hopefully others!) appreciate my effort to make known the actual scope of this episode of Pygmalio.

Specially because the French dubbing is really awful! The voices of the guards are deliberately altered to make them sound evil and wicked... possibly to "morally justify" the ruthless slaughter.
I am sure that the original Japanese dubbing was much more natural, simply because in the Samurai culture (Bushido) blind devotion until death to a cause and mercilessly exterminating the enemy are both... commendable conducts, so to speak!
Unfortunately, I've been unable to find the original version of the anime, so far!

The original sound effects are truly awesome, though! No blood or visible wounds are shown, but the sound of the slashes perfectly conveys the feeling of a hapless warrior being cut open: priceless!

Back to topic... my comments are conceived to add depth to the story and to the general sentiment, drawing the attention to specific details or to the untold narrative, which can sometimes be fully appreciated only in screenshots!
In particular, facial expressions: that delightful mix of surprise, pain and despair that Japanese Anime characters show when they get mortally wounded.

Videos are the most complete form of spectacle, with the sole limit of being too fast for the eye. Back in the day the only way we could watch single frames of these old anime episodes was using the slow-mo feature of VCRs.

Nowadays we can enjoy the details of awesome sequences from immortal classics, such as God Mazinger or Captain Harlock, like for instance...

shaman.flv_000314300.jpg shaman.flv_000315750.jpg
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Vivacious Visitor
Mar 12, 2013
Definitely a fan of the Mazone. When I finally found out which anime they were from I ended up downloading the whole series.

Without the screen-caps though it's tough to really enjoy it. I mean, they're awesome either way, but they're definitely quick deaths.

I may have uploaded these elsewhere, but these pics (found... somewhere, can't remember where now) were found long before I knew about the Mazone. When I found out these girls were actually something, I of course had to go find it.

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Avid Affiliate
Feb 19, 2013
Definitely a fan of the Mazone...

I've recently noticed a funny detail... the Harlock series anticipates by several decades a common consuetude in modern shooter videogames: how do you tell when an enemy is mortally hit and not just wounded?
When he drops his weapon!

Well... a laser blast even to a limb sets a Mazone on fire! Every shot on target is therefore a sure kill, making them extremely easy to slay!
Of course they just die without burning up in space. In absence of oxygen, their lifeless bodies just gracefully float away.
Harlock 40_jap.flv_000509899.jpg Harlock 40_jap.flv_000510433.jpg

Sometimes the Mazone even attack totally unarmed!

Like the small naked army in the forest in ep. 9 ...
Harlock 9_jap.flv_001158681.jpg Harlock 9_jap.flv_001263385.jpg Harlock 9_jap.flv_001276131.jpg Harlock 9_jap.flv_001282704.jpg Harlock 9_jap.flv_001297553.jpg
... and the commandos that follow Harlock down the pitfall in ep. 32
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I doubt that the Almighty Mazone saves on pistols for budgetary reasons. Possibly troops are sent weaponless into battle to avoid that they accidentally shoot someone they must instead capture alive.
Of course the loss of lives among the ranks of the defenseless aliens will be extremely high, but the Empire can count on virtually endless legions of expendable soldiers who can be sacrificed without reserve or much concern.


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Casual Client
May 29, 2012
I'm sure some of you will be aware of Perfect Dark - a popular FPS from the N64 days (which had a rerelease on xbox a few years back).

The game features female zakos in two levels - one where they feature briefly as 'Elite' infantry (Datadyne - Extraction), and another, where they are the exclusive enemy (Mr Blonde's Revenge). The game itself has already been covered here. See here for some screenshots of them:

And here for a very nice little fanfic about them:

What hasn't been highlighted so far - is that despite being quite an old game, it actually has a very innovative feature that I have not seen anything like before. This is a 2-player mode called Counter-Operative.

Counter-Operative lets Player 1 continue to control the main character Joanna Dark. She is a Corporate spy/commando who cold bloodily mows down hordes of helpless guards (many of them just simple corporate security with no idea of the evil plot - seriously, silencedsentry's characterisation of her is pretty spot on) on an ill-defined and morally ambiguous quest. After all - she is designated as the 'good guy', so anyone who opposes her deserves their fate right? Even if she has broken into a top secret/government lab, etc. Pretty standard hypocritical good guy stuff so far.

However, Counter-Operative mode is truly unique in that it actually puts Player 2 in full control of a random low level enemy. This can be any zako - from a Joe Bloggs corporate security guard, to one of the shotgun wielding female guards in leather. It basically puts you as one of the horde that Joanna will cut down without a thought. You have a very low amount of health and a basic weapon, and have to stop her. Whilst being controlled by a human player means that your chances are greater than any simple AI guard, you are still 99% certain to die if you come up against Joanna. It basically puts you in the Zako's shoes...

When you do die, you get the option to switch control to another, random guard. This is the only way to change which one you are controlling - so you also carry a suicide pill(!) to let you choose to switch control if needed. You could be put in control of a male or female zako - no way to control beforehand.

Datadyne Guard Zako.jpg

There are very few videos of this gameplay mode on Youtube, and I couldn't find any from the levels with the female zako. But it has interesting possibilities - I don't know of any other game that lets you play AS a zako...
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It's been a while since I last checked in, so I'll post some stuff. Not sure if it's been mentioned here, so here's Kung Fu Strike: The Warrior's Rise. It's a beat-em-up, available on Steam (originally on XBLA, I think it's still there). The game itself has a very simple control scheme and combo system, but the real challenge lies in handling swarms of enemies. Blocking, countering and using your special moves at critical moments becomes very important.

And to get to what everyone's waiting for, here are the zako.

assassins shaa.png shaa assassin.png
The assassin first appears as a boss, and later as special zako (with no reduced abilities, only reduced HP sometimes). Her gimmick is warping behind you when you attack, and then going in with a fast knife stab. Sometimes she does a hard-to-dodge stab move, which floors you. She follows up with a stomp afterwards (which can be dodged easily enough). The key in fighting her is to counter her warp-attack combo, and to get the hell out of the way when she goes in for the stab (she glows red before this). Her stab is counted as a special move, which you can counter with your own special move for massive damage.
After she loses about half her HP, she creates a shadow clone. Double the trouble, but fortunately you can attack either one of the clones and it would reduce her HP all the same (as in, her HP pool is still the same and not split over two clones).

dart assassin.png 2014-03-03_00011.jpg 2014-03-04_00009.jpg 2014-03-04_00011.jpg
This one is a really simple zako. She just throws shurikens at you, and this can be easily deflected. The special variant can do one more trick, which is throwing a line of kunais that can't be deflected. The only way to counter that one is to do a special move when she glows red right before she throws.

2014-03-04_00004.jpg 2014-03-04_00010.jpg sword assassin.png
These ones are swordswomen in some fancy outfits, and they can give you a lot of trouble when they appear in swarms. And the game LOVES to throw swarms of enemies at you. You have to break up the crowd and isolate them one by one. Their combos are fast and some are unblockable, so dodging becomes very important. They also have moves that you can counter with your special.

Aside from the assassin boss fight, the zako appear in only four stages of the main game (they appear in DLC challenge stages). And you actually have to finish the stage quick, since your character is being poisoned and your HP is constantly drained (the enemies drop recovery items though). Fortunately, in the four stages, you only face these ladies as your enemies, so there's that.
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Club Regular
Apr 9, 2012
It's been a while since I last checked in, so I'll post some stuff. Not sure if it's been mentioned here, so here's Kung Fu Strike: The Warrior's Rise. It's a beat-em-up, available on Steam (originally on XBLA, I think it's still there). The game itself has a very simple control scheme and combo system, but the real challenge lies in handling swarms of enemies. Blocking, countering and using your special moves at critical moments becomes very important.

And to get to what everyone's waiting for, here are the zako.
View attachment 55407View attachment 55408
The assassin first appears as a boss, and later as special zako (with no reduced abilities, only reduced HP sometimes). Her gimmick is warping behind you when you attack, and then going in with a fast knife stab. Sometimes she does a hard-to-dodge stab move, which floors you. She follows up with a stomp afterwards (which can be dodged easily enough). The key in fighting her is to counter her warp-attack combo, and to get the hell out of the way when she goes in for the stab (she glows red before this). Her stab is counted as a special move, which you can counter with your own special move for massive damage.
After she loses about half her HP, she creates a shadow clone. Double the trouble, but fortunately you can attack either one of the clones and it would reduce her HP all the same (as in, her HP pool is still the same and not split over two clones).

View attachment 55409View attachment 55413View attachment 55414View attachment 55415View attachment 55416
This one is a really simple zako. She just throws shurikens at you, and this can be easily deflected. The special variant can do one more trick, which is throwing a line of kunais that can't be deflected. The only way to counter that one is to do a special move when she glows red right before she throws.

View attachment 55410View attachment 55411View attachment 55412View attachment 55417View attachment 55418
These ones are swordswomen in some fancy outfits, and they can give you a lot of trouble when they appear in swarms. And the game LOVES to throw swarms of enemies at you. You have to break up the crowd and isolate them one by one. Their combos are fast and some are unblockable, so dodging becomes very important. They also have moves that you can counter with your special.

Aside from the assassin boss fight, the zako appear in only four stages of the main game (they appear in DLC challenge stages). And you actually have to finish the stage quick, since your character is being poisoned and your HP is constantly drained (the enemies drop recovery items though). Fortunately, in the four stages, you only face these ladies as your enemies, so there's that.

none of the images work, please fix! thanks

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