Zako (7 Viewers)


Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
Nagato, thanks for sharing those new zako! I remember the ones from Under Fire, Ninjutsuden, and Downtown, but the ones from Act of Fighter and the other DOS game are completely new to me!

Target Terror can be emulated using the "Dolphin" Wii emulator. With save-states you can bookmark nearly every type of zako in the game.

More old-school era zako will be coming in time, but for now let me just expand a bit on one of the zako Nagato showed us from Under Fire: the black leather zako, lol:
UnderFire Zako.png


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Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
Kimblis, thanks so much for the info. I had no idea the wii was being emulated yet.. That sounds great, can't wait to give it a go.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
Quentin's new movie might has some zako fights in it.

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Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
Laserdisc Zako Part One (Space Pirates!)

Howdy all,

I want to get back to the old-school, 2d-era zako soon, but before I do I thought I would post some other old-school game zako, this time from some laserdisc games. These were basic point-and-shoot games that often used live actors rather than sprites or animated graphics. The videos are not the best quality, as lighting and resolution could be seriously improved. Moreover, the zako (like all the actors in these games) were often not all that great, and the camera shots are not always too great either, but I nonetheless think these zako deserve a spot in our zako thread.
Screenshots do not do very well at showing these zako, so I've uploaded a short gameplay video instead featuring a compilation of the zako.
So without further ado, here are the zako of "Space Pirates":

In the final scene, when you are attacked by four zako in a row, you can also see two of the zako you previously defeated lying in the background. One is propped up with her back against the center of the far wall, and as for the other (in the black catsuit-type outfit), well, you can just see her legs hanging off the staircase in the top left of the screen. So it's almost like six different zako in one scene...? Anyway, I kind of like the blonde in the green skirt, as well as the one in black that says "Take that ranger!" before getting zapped. Though my favorite is definitely the first one in the vid, with the cool big hat, who falls facedown when zapped.

And just for the sake of thoroughness, some screenshots:
Space Pirates Zako scene1 _3__0002.jpg Space Pirates Zako scene3 _6__0001.jpg Space Pirates Zako scene3 _10__0001.jpg Space Pirates Zako scene3 _10__0002.jpg Space Pirates Zako scene3 _10__0004.jpg Space Pirates Zako scene3 _10__0005.jpg Space Pirates Zako scene3 _10__0006.jpg Space Pirates Zako scene3 _10__0018.jpg Space Pirates Zako01.png Space Pirates Zako02.png

Ranger, to the colony ship!

Opinions regarding these zako?
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Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
Laserdisc Zako Part Two: Crime Patrol!

For the second part of my laserdisc zako posting, I present you with the zako of "Crime Patrol".

The game has you staking out a strip bar with your partner (you can tell he's a badass because he orders Yoohoo chocolate milk). There are two dancers on the left, one in white (in the foreground, being very distracting but in a good way) and another in the background, wearing black shorts and a blue top. You cannot see her very well in the background, but a little later she becomes a zako (at least I'm pretty sure they are the same person).
Then you bust some drug labs, and among the enemies you take down are a few zako wearing leopard-print skirts and similar attire:

Some screenshots: Crime Patrol Zako Compilation.png Crime Patrol Zako stripbar_0002.jpg Crime Patrol Zako stripbar _2__0003.jpg Crime Patrol Zako druglab1 _1__0001.jpg Crime Patrol Zako druglab1 _1__0003.jpg Crime Patrol Zako druglab1 _1__0004.jpg Crime Patrol Zako druglab1 _2__0005.jpg Crime Patrol Zako druglab2 _1__0001.jpg Crime Patrol Zako druglab2 _1__0002.jpg Crime Patrol Zako druglab2 _1__0003.jpg

I don't think the zako in this game are too great...with the exception perhaps of the dancer zako, and the zako in black who surrenders (you lose a life if you harm her).
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Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
Laserdisc Zako Part Three: Crime Patrol 2: Drug Wars

OK, third and final post about laserdisc zako. This time, the game is Crime Patrol 2: Drug Wars.

The rotund guy is your partner in the beginning, and in between fighting drug cartels he makes jokes about lawyers. Anyway, bad guys are holding a courtroom hostage, and among them are a zako in skirt and pantyhose who pretends to be a hostage, and one other zako you meet outside. Then, you bring the fight to the bad guys' home turf, and among the baddies are a zako in camo shorts and some party girls who laugh as they shoot at you. Finally you confront the drug lord sitting on a couch with a zako, and his reaction when you defeat her is pretty funny.

Crime Patrol 2 Drug Wars Zako Compilation.png Drug Wars Zako chicagocourtroom _2__0001.jpg Drug Wars Zako chicagocourtroom _3__0006.jpg Drug Wars Zako sabase _1__0001.jpg Drug Wars Zako sanightvision _4__0003.jpg Drug Wars Zako sanightvision _4__0007.jpg Drug Wars Zako sanightvision _4__0008.jpg Drug Wars Zako sanightvision _8__0002.jpg

I like how the first zako, in the courtroom, seems to pretend to be a hostage even as she pulls a gun on you; then when she's defeated and falls to the floor, the action continues on around her. Also, the party zako in the leopard-print, with the pink nails, has an awesome laugh, even as she's trying to shoot you! :O
Thoughts and opinions on these zako?

After this it's back to old-school 2d zako for me...
I've posted much of my material to mediafire as a backup: Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire

I hope others can also find some more zako to post. :)
- Kimblis
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Master of this Domain
Dec 3, 2010
MMOs have a habit of throwing in attractive female mobs, I've noticed. From the most obscure korean F2P game to WoW, you can find monsters that are attractive women.

Those old FMV games were treasure troves, there's lots of stuff in there. I remember watching someone play one a long time ago where you ended up ambushing a female enemy, and she came out of cover with a fearful look. I don't remember what it was, but that thing's kept with me for years.
The genre also seems ripe for exploitation, with the direct control and POV. There was a guro game a while back, but Guro's not really my thing.
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Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
I'm playing Tera, an mmo, the female enemies in it are seriously hot:
Deva Female Rogue - 2 » » » » TERA-Online

the gallery has all the other mobs in the game.

Hey weediscool, thanks for the heads up. I've looked through the gallery, and put together some screens of most (though not quite all) of the female enemies it features:
Tera-Online devafemalerogue0.jpg tera-online pixie0.jpg Tera-Online darkpawnarcher0.jpg Tera-Online darkpawnberserker0.jpg tera-online salvagangambusher0.jpg Tera-Online charmedpixie0.jpg Tera-Online darkwitchmaster0.jpg Tera-Online chaoswitchmaster0.jpg

Would be cool to see some gameplay videos featuring a few of these zako.

Weoooo, that ambush sounds interesting; too bad we don't know what game it's from. If you know of any other FMV stuff, please share it.

I'm trying to post as much of my zako material as possible before I'm swamped again by real world stuff. We'll see how far I get...


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
Also, the party zako in the leopard-print, with the pink nails, has an awesome laugh, even as she's trying to shoot you! :O
Thoughts and opinions on these zako?

After this it's back to old-school 2d zako for me...
I've posted much of my material to mediafire as a backup: Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire
Agreed. Party zako are quite good. The scene after they shot you are worth seeing.
I didn't play much game like these so your posts are good informations.

By the way, looks like you posted wrong mediafire link or what? It brings me to normal mediafire page.


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 23, 2009
Oh those old fashioned FMV games. :> Anyway, just wanted to hop in here and let you guys know about the latest video I did in case you guys don't check up on our channel that often.




Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
Double Dragon (Gameboy Advance)

Double Dragon is one of the oldest beat-em-up series, and nearly every game in the series has some kind of female zako, most commonly the whip-woman, Linda. I've noticed the newest versions of Double Dragon in development are no exception. However, the old-school, 2d versions of Double Dragon are still fun to play. The gameboy advance version of Double Dragon was a pretty good Double Dragon game, and while the female zako in this version of Double Dragon are not among the highest on my list, I figured they still deserved a bit of attention in a thread devoted to zako. So, here is a gameplay compilation video of Double Dragon Advance, with a little extra focus given to the female zako in the game.

Some zako-centric parts include:
Billy gets whipped/kicked repeatedly: 0:37
No more Mr. Chivalry: 1:04
Boss and several female zako: 2:04
Swarms of female thugs: 4:04
Billy getting his ass kicked: 5:21
At least there's a good view on the way down: 5:50
Many female zako in a watery cavern: 6:06
There are no more female zako after the 7-minute mark.

And some screenshots just for the sake of thoroughness:
Double Dragon GBA Compilation _2__0012.jpg Double Dragon GBA Compilation _2__0014.jpg Double Dragon GBA Compilation _2__0015.jpg Double Dragon GBA Compilation _2__0016.jpg Double Dragon GBA Compilation _2__0019.jpg Double Dragon GBA Compilation_0014.jpg Double Dragon GBA Compilation _2__0021.jpg Double Dragon GBA Compilation_0002.jpg Double Dragon GBA Compilation _2__0009.jpg Double Dragon GBA Compilation _2__0026.jpg
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Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
Animated TV Zako Part One: Gatchaman (Episode 66)

The hottest female zako/mooks/cannon fodder from a T.V. series are, in my opinion, the seamen from Space Adventure Cobra. However, there are some others worth mentioning as well. This post looks at the zako from "Gatchaman" Episode 66. They are part of an organization called "Devil Star" and they plot to disguise themselves as models during a fashion show, and then to suddenly kidnap the princess of some country or other. Not sure why. For the lulz, I guess.

Anyway, they spring their plot, but are interrupted by the arrival of the heroes, who proceed to mop the floor with the bad girls. The baddies are apparently wearing identical masks and wigs as disguises/uniforms.
If anyone is interested in the plot or the show, you can watch the full episode online (just google Gatchaman episode 66).
For everyone else, here is an abridged version using screenshots and short descriptions:

They capture the real models and force them to give up their outfits, then discuss their plan: Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0002 Stealing Models Uniforms.jpg Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0004 And threaten the princess.jpg Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0005 Disguised as models.jpg
During the show, they parade around in their outfits before revealing themselves as imposters: Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0007 Looks rather militaristic.jpg Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0008 Suddenly.jpg Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0009 The models reveal themselves.jpg
They spring their plan, but the princess is unafraid, as the heroes appear and begin pummeling: Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0013 But the princess is unafraid.jpg Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0015 The heroes will come to her rescure.jpg Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0017 Knocking two zako around.jpg
The two sides engage in some cheesy stand-off dialogue, then the bad girls attack: Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0018 They stand prepared for combat.jpg Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0019 The baddies are shocked.jpg Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0021 Wielding knives.jpg
One takes a knee to the stomach, while another gets backhanded: Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0023 The hero responds.jpg Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0025 Straight to the stomach.jpg Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0031 Only to take a backhand to the jaw.jpg
And another gets thrown (internet rumor says thrown into a pillar, but that part was cut): Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0032 The big hero grapples with a zako.jpg Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0033 And tosses her like a ragdoll.jpg Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0034 Sending her flying.jpg
The baddies try to use their "ring bombs" against the heroes, but the heroes just dodge and hit: Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0037 They attack by launching ring bombs.jpg Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0038 Which are easily dodged.jpg Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0041 But not out.jpg
One baddie is knocked from a balcony, while another is clothes-lined and left flat on the floor: Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0047 Knocking her off.jpg Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0049 Two heroes do a clothesline on a zako.jpg Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0050 Leaving her flat on the floor.jpg
While she lays there, an enormous hero skates right over her body: Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0052 The big hero skates onto her.jpg Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0053 Right over her body.jpg Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0054 And puts all his weight on one foot.jpg
Then right over her face, leaving wheel marks and causing her mask and wig to break open: Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0056 Right over her face.jpg Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0058 Leaving heavy marks.jpg Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0060 The zako's mask.jpg
Revealing the zako underneath, left with a blank expression and mouth hanging open; it's the last we see of her: Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0062 Revealing the real zako underneath.jpg Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0065 That's the last we'll see of this one.jpg
Another takes a knee and collapses facedown, blood trailing from her mouth, with the hero standing triumphantly: Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0070 His knee impacts her midsection.jpg Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0074 Scratch another zako.jpg
Then the heroes perform a spinning technique that causes the baddies to be blown away: Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0075 The heroes perform a windmill technique.jpg Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0076 Causing hurricane force winds.jpg Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0079 One holds onto a pillar.jpg
With her forces completely beaten and/or blown away: Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0083 Before taking off again.jpg Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0085 As a result.jpg Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0086 Of the windmill technique.jpg
The big bad calls for a retreat, but we only see one figure jumping into the "mole tank." Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0088 And the boss calls for a retreat.jpg Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0089 Though we only see the figure of the boss hop into the retrea.jpg Action Gattchaman Zako, ep 66 0091 Or do we assume they escaped as well.jpg

Did she just leave all her troops behind? Regardless, the threat is over, and the celebration and fashion show continues, with everyone having a wonderful time. The end!

I've posted a short video on youtube that compiles the fight between the zako and the heroes, in case anyone is interested:

- Kimblis
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Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
Animated TV Zako Part Two: Daitarn 3

It's no Space Adventure Cobra, but the show "Daitarn 3" has several episodes featuring large numbers of generic, disposable female baddies. The mooks in this show are implied to have been brainwashed and fitted with cybernetic helmet-thingies that ensure their loyalty to the big bad guys. Or something like that. Anyway, from what I've seen, episodes 8, 15, 20, 23, and 30 all feature female zako.

Screenshots are followed by a video compilation:

The baddies are confident because they've captured the hero and his friends: Daitarn 3 Zako_0025.jpg Daitarn 3 Zako_0027.jpg
Of course he escapes and makes them pay: Daitarn 3 Zako_0068.jpg Daitarn 3 Zako_0030.jpg Daitarn 3 Zako_0033.jpg
He also has a giant robot that he uses once in a while...the baddies are no match for the robot's foot: Daitarn 3 Zako_0035.jpg

One zako is taken out by falling rocks caused by hero's shooting: Daitarn 3 Zako_0016.jpg Daitarn 3 Zako_0018.jpg Daitarn 3 Zako_0019.jpg Daitarn 3 Zako_0020.jpg
A zako poses as the hero's girlfriend, but he's not falling for it: Daitarn 3 Zako_0036.jpg Daitarn 3 Zako_0038.jpg
They ambush the hero while wearing rocket packs, but he makes them drop like flies: Daitarn 3 Zako_0051.jpg Daitarn 3 Zako_0052.jpg Daitarn 3 Zako_0053.jpg
And fall into one big zako pile: Daitarn 3 Zako_0056.jpg Daitarn 3 Zako_0057.jpg Daitarn 3 Zako_0058.jpg Daitarn 3 Zako_0059.jpg Daitarn 3 Zako_0061.jpg
He takes on some horse-riding, spear throwing cavalry baddies: Daitarn 3 Zako_0077.jpg Daitarn 3 Zako_0080.jpg Daitarn 3 Zako_0081.jpg Daitarn 3 Zako_0083.jpg
They rough-up a prisoner, but pay for it later: Daitarn 3 Zako_0086.jpg Daitarn 3 Zako_0090.jpg Daitarn 3 Zako_0091.jpg Daitarn 3 Zako_0092.jpg
As an infiltrator helps the captives escape: Daitarn 3 Zako_0093.jpg Daitarn 3 Zako_0094.jpg Daitarn 3 Zako_0095.jpg Daitarn 3 Zako_0096.jpg

The video compilation on youtube:

It's also in my mediafire folder:
Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire

Full episodes can surely be found online as well. If I missed any episodes featuring female baddies, please let me know.


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Casual Client
May 29, 2012
Haha? Gatchaman? Am a huge fan. Devil Stars certainly are sexy. Some of Condor Joe's Galactor sweethearts also meet sad ends.

But for proper goon/zako abuse, the male green galactor goons/grunts get it far worse! Seriously, their fates makes Space Adventure Cobra look merciful. The level of hurt they get inflicted upon them actually make me think the writer/artist had a fetish for that kind of thing himself.

As for your comments on the last pics, about the escaping Galactor leader? A she? Well, I suppose that is 50% accurate...;)
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Club Regular
Aug 10, 2011
Hope this isn't a repeat. Jarred Everson at posted some awesome sheets for the Double Dragon Neon Marion, normal and evil, and two zako, Linda and "Karate Master" (link):
karatemasterv01.jpg evilmarianv01.jpg lindav01.jpg marianv01.jpg

Joe Bloggs

Club Regular
Aug 5, 2011
The roller skate clip is one of the best female mook beat downs I have ever seen. She briefly obtains some form of uniqueness before she ultimately succumbs to the bog standard fate of a mook!


Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
Wow, I love those FMV zako.. especially the giggles and laughs after they shoot you! Are these 'lazerdisc' games emulator-able?

I seem to remember a neighbour had something similar. If only modern games could push the envelope and have good humour like these!

A few of those zako, and the leopard print with pink nails really does it for me.. glad to see that style making a come back ;)


Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
Animated TV Zako Part Three: Lupin III - Bloody Angels

OK, more zako! These are the "Bloody Angels", an all female crime organization from the t.v. series Lupin III. It goes without question that their uniforms consist of red leotards. What else would generic, disposable female enemies wear?

They are also, of course, terrible shots, consistently missing anything they shoot at. The same cannot be said of our heroes, however, who consistently hit their targets every time, on the first shot, and who tear through dozens of uzi-wielding Bloody Angels using just pistols, a sword, and bare fists. These zako certainly don't get coddled for being female - many of them are lethally shot, cut down, or even plummet to their demise from the top of a pyramid. However, it is worth noting that many of the attacks our heroes make against the Bloody Angels seem designed to merely disarm or wound them rather than kill, and many of the Bloody Angels end up being arrested at the end, so it's not just a complete slaughter. Here goes:

Here are our zako, sexy and deadly. They commence attacking the heroes: lupin 3 bloody angels zako 20090324160620965767.jpg Lupin III Angel Tactics Bloody Angels 01.jpg
But end up getting shot up pretty badly...many in the arm or leg... Lupin III Angel Tactics Bloody Angels 02.jpg Lupin III Angel Tactics Bloody Angels 03.jpg Lupin III Angel Tactics Bloody Angels 04.jpg Lupin III Angel Tactics Bloody Angels 05.jpg
...but others are not so lucky to just be wounded: Lupin III Angel Tactics Bloody Angels 06.jpg Lupin III Angel Tactics Bloody Angels 07.jpg Lupin III Angel Tactics Bloody Angels 09.jpg Lupin III Angel Tactics Bloody Angels 10.jpg
One even plummets from the pyramidal structure: Lupin III Angel Tactics Bloody Angels 11.jpg Lupin III Angel Tactics Bloody Angels 12.jpg Lupin III Angel Tactics Bloody Angels 13.jpg Lupin III Angel Tactics Bloody Angels 15.jpg
Our heroes run down the pyramid, while the Bloody Angels either fire at them, or tend to their own wounds: Lupin III Zako Angel Tactics Bloody Angels 15a edit.jpg
The heroes seem to be in a bad situation, until their friends arrive and take out more zako: Lupin III Angel Tactics Bloody Angels 21.jpg Lupin III Angel Tactics Bloody Angels 22.jpg Lupin III Angel Tactics Bloody Angels 23.jpg
Leaving several zako flopped out on the steps of the pyramid (my favorite shot): Lupin III Angel Tactics Bloody Angels 26.jpg
The "Bloody Angels" retaliate but get demolished by the heroes: Lupin III Angel Tactics Bloody Angels 28.jpg Lupin III Angel Tactics Bloody Angels 29.jpg Lupin III Angel Tactics Bloody Angels 37.jpg
Mercifully, the heroes now seem to focus on disarming or injuring their enemies... Lupin III Angel Tactics Bloody Angels 43.jpg Lupin III Angel Tactics Bloody Angels 47.jpg Lupin III Angel Tactics Bloody Angels 50.jpg
...rather than killing: Lupin III Angel Tactics Bloody Angels 51.jpg Lupin III Angel Tactics Bloody Angels 52.jpg Lupin III Angel Tactics Bloody Angels 55.jpg Lupin III Angel Tactics Bloody Angels 57.jpg
With their numbers diminished, the "Bloody Angels" fall back, only to be arrested by recently arrived troops: Lupin III Angel Tactics Bloody Angels 59.jpg Lupin III Bloody Angels Arrested.png

Clip on youtube:

The old Lupin III series also had an episode where Lupin and his pals fought against some very similar female zako ("Lupin in Paradise") was the episode:

lupin 3 zako old 20111202230325016914.jpg Lupin zako amazons10.jpg Lupin zako amazons11.jpg


Finally, some assorted fan art of these zako. Warning, the first two are definitely NSFW:

lupin 3 bloody angels zako not between reason pix iv 25392821_m.jpg lupin 3 bloody angels zako not between reason pix iv 23456826_m.jpg MNL Bloody Angels Lupin Zako 1123428691.jpg MNL Bloody Angels Lupin Zako 1123428589.jpg


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