Wow, I love those FMV zako.. especially the giggles and laughs after they shoot you! Are these 'lazerdisc' games emulator-able?
I seem to remember a neighbour had something similar. If only modern games could push the envelope and have good humour like these!
A few of those zako, and the leopard print with pink nails really does it for me.. glad to see that style making a come back ;)
DynamiteFetish, I'm glad you like them. There used to be a site online that allowed you to purchase the games on cd-rom to play on your pc, but I don't know if that site still exists. However, there is an emulator called "Daphne" that might be worth checking out (though I have not tried it myself).
Tigey, I'd have trouble believing anything could make the treatment of the blonde bad babes from Space Adventure Cobra look merciful. I mean, the heroic protagonist sets one of them on fire and smirks while she burns, causes several others to be eaten by giant robotic fish, and forces one of them to lead him to the big bad's lair, only to drop her unconscious body on the floor and leave her there as the base explodes. But if you say so...
Qutuz, I agree that the mook vs. roller-skate beatdown was pretty unique...and the guy that rolled over her was huge! You don't see her among the baddies that are being blown away later on...I wonder if that was intentional? She certainly did not look like she was getting up from that...
On a different note, this thread is becoming pretty enormous...we have an entire sub-forum. Should we spread out somewhat? Perhaps have separate threads for:
Beat-em-up Zako
RPG Zako
Other video game genre zako
Animated tv zako
Live-action tv zako
Or something like that? The only problem is that nearly all of our material is concentrated in this one single thread. Would it be possible to copy posts from this thread and put them in new threads? Would we need a mod or admin's help for that?
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