Zako (2 Viewers)


Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
Wow, I love those FMV zako.. especially the giggles and laughs after they shoot you! Are these 'lazerdisc' games emulator-able?

I seem to remember a neighbour had something similar. If only modern games could push the envelope and have good humour like these!

A few of those zako, and the leopard print with pink nails really does it for me.. glad to see that style making a come back ;)

DynamiteFetish, I'm glad you like them. There used to be a site online that allowed you to purchase the games on cd-rom to play on your pc, but I don't know if that site still exists. However, there is an emulator called "Daphne" that might be worth checking out (though I have not tried it myself).

Tigey, I'd have trouble believing anything could make the treatment of the blonde bad babes from Space Adventure Cobra look merciful. I mean, the heroic protagonist sets one of them on fire and smirks while she burns, causes several others to be eaten by giant robotic fish, and forces one of them to lead him to the big bad's lair, only to drop her unconscious body on the floor and leave her there as the base explodes. But if you say so...

Qutuz, I agree that the mook vs. roller-skate beatdown was pretty unique...and the guy that rolled over her was huge! You don't see her among the baddies that are being blown away later on...I wonder if that was intentional? She certainly did not look like she was getting up from that...

On a different note, this thread is becoming pretty enormous...we have an entire sub-forum. Should we spread out somewhat? Perhaps have separate threads for:
Beat-em-up Zako
RPG Zako
Other video game genre zako
Animated tv zako
Live-action tv zako

Or something like that? The only problem is that nearly all of our material is concentrated in this one single thread. Would it be possible to copy posts from this thread and put them in new threads? Would we need a mod or admin's help for that?
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Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
On a different note, this thread is becoming pretty enormous...we have an entire sub-forum. Should we spread out somewhat? Perhaps have separate threads for:
Beat-em-up Zako
RPG Zako
Other video game genre zako
Animated tv zako
Live-action tv zako

Or something like that? The only problem is that nearly all of our material is concentrated in this one single thread. Would it be possible to copy posts from this thread and put them in new threads? Would we need a mod or admin's help for that?
Mod can move post to another thread, I think. But since this thread is quite big, it will be quite a work for them.
I agreed with spread out idea anyway. Maybe it's better to start now.
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Casual Client
May 29, 2012
OK, more zako! These are the "Bloody Angels", an all female crime organization from the t.v. series Lupin III. It goes without question that their uniforms consist of red leotards. What else would generic, disposable female enemies wear?

They are also, of course, terrible shots, consistently missing anything they shoot at. The same cannot be said of our heroes, however, who consistently hit their targets every time, on the first shot, and who tear through dozens of uzi-wielding Bloody Angels using just pistols, a sword, and bare fists. These zako certainly don't get coddled for being female - many of them are lethally shot, cut down, or even plummet to their demise from the top of a pyramid. However, it is worth noting that many of the attacks our heroes make against the Bloody Angels seem designed to merely disarm or wound them rather than kill, and many of the Bloody Angels end up being arrested at the end, so it's not just a complete slaughter. Here goes:

But end up getting shot up pretty badly...many in the arm or leg...View attachment 35369View attachment 35370View attachment 35371View attachment 35372

Found this on Youtube a few day ago myself as well. Pretty great stuff.

Is it just me though, or are the ones that are visibily shot wearing body armour underneath their uniforms? I guess it is probably just so the animators do not have to show blood on screen. Regardless body count looks high.


Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
Found this on Youtube a few day ago myself as well. Pretty great stuff.

Is it just me though, or are the ones that are visibily shot wearing body armour underneath their uniforms? I guess it is probably just so the animators do not have to show blood on screen. Regardless body count looks high.

It does look like they are wearing body armor, and many of them are merely wounded or disarmed. However, some of them seem to be straight-out killed as well, like the one who falls from the top of the pyramid, or those lying motionless in this shot:
Lupin III Angel Tactics Bloody Angels 26.jpg
Still, it looks like the majority may be defeated but not killed...which is good in my view. It's good when the heroes defeat the evil zako decisively, but that does not necessarily mean killing them.


Potential Patron
Jul 29, 2012
Well, there you go, I suppose it's kind of ridiculous being into a 24x48 pixel zako. This is really the first time I've talked about this particular zako in this kind of context, although I've seen them mentioned before on a couple of forums, so I might not be entirely alone here. What do you think?
I agree on all your points, and couldn't have said it much better myself. Target: Renegade was the first game I can ever remember making me think for the first time about this kind of stuff. That's now lead me to an interest and a forum like this. I guess it really is a small world, heh.

Beyond their sexy design, all boobs, minidress and heels, these girls were a lot more hands-on and brutal than other female fighters at the time. None of the usual kick-flips and so on, none of the often ladylike behaviour, they waded in with punches, spiked bats and knees. Rather than the usual 'quick speed, low power' routine they could clearly hit just as hard as the hero and out-muscle him if he wasn't careful.

I too loved the way they would trap you between them, both girls landing punches then one of them pressing up close behind a grabbed hero as if cutting off any chance of escape. Or how it wasn't just a single knee but three, the hooker holding your hero firmly in place, completely helpless to stop her as she took her time in landing three crushing blows.

I mean, damn, just look at that second gif you posted. Classic example there of this. The martial-artist hero's got the spiked club and he's facing a scantily-clad woman. She should be in serious trouble. Instead she punches him senseless, ruthlessly beats his balls until he collapses then tramples her hooker heels over him to grab the club for herself. Pretty owned there.

It was a great game anyway, finished it several times, but that second level made it memorable. On odd occasion I'd zip through the first level then just leave the keyboard alone and let the hookers beat and bust the hell out of the poor hero. Does that lean towards...gyaku, is it? New words for me. On the other hand if you like you can clobber this level full of zakos so that fits too!

Later on there were others, like Poison and Roxy in Final Fight or those zakos in Dynamic Cop (over here it was called Die Hard Arcade), but Target: Renegade was where it started for me.

Okay, enough memory lane babbling, lol.
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Casual Client
Mar 8, 2012
Do people actually care that much between a boss and a regular enemy? I know the definition of zako but I choose to interpret it as any female enemy


Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
Good posts as always.. any new zako to report, new or old?

Desperate for my zako fix... :D

I'm certain there are more zako around...I can post some more in the next several days, both from games and other media, if I can find some spare time to put a decent post together (I don't like to just throw stuff out there).

Snakesonaplane, I don't consider female bosses "zako" because they are generally unique and given much more attention and importance (by both the good guys and the bad guys) than the typical, cannon fodder female mook (who are generally treated as far more disposable). However, I agree that female bosses can be pretty interesting...maybe you could start a new thread dealing with female bosses as opposed to zako?


OH MAN. I clicked on this link previously posted by another member ¡û¡ü¡ûŨ½÷°*½÷¤òÅˤ볨·Ç¡û¡ü¡û and what do I get? Jackpot. I do not recall these pics ever being posted on this board before, so here they are.

Tenchu characters Ayame and Tesshu going to town on the lovely kunoichi enemies. While the snap-her-neck-until-her-head-does-180-degrees kills are among my least favorite stealth kills (they rank JUST above full-on decapitation in the game), the art is great. (although I can't read the text in the panels Translator, plz?). The kunoichis look amazing.

646.jpg 649.jpg 650.jpg 651.jpg 653.jpg

654.jpg 655.jpg 656.jpg 657.jpg 659.jpg 660.jpg 661.jpg 665.jpg

If anyone can find more from the artist, please post them here!


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 24, 2009
I'm certain there are more zako around...I can post some more in the next several days, both from games and other media, if I can find some spare time to put a decent post together (I don't like to just throw stuff out there).

Snakesonaplane, I don't consider female bosses "zako" because they are generally unique and given much more attention and importance (by both the good guys and the bad guys) than the typical, cannon fodder female mook (who are generally treated as far more disposable). However, I agree that female bosses can be pretty interesting...maybe you could start a new thread dealing with female bosses as opposed to zako?

yeah i agree, bosses are just villains who may be recurring characters but are unique so they don't fit the generic female enemy type, i guess you can add "mid-bosses" who return in later stages as standard enemies though, any thoughts?


Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
Robocop Zako

So here's a quick response to the request for more zako. This post deals with the zako from Robocop. As a cyborg crimefighter, he's got to take out a lot of criminals, and as it turns out a substantial number of those criminals are females.

First, the zako from the PC game "Robocop" (2003). Comparing this to the zako from "Robocop vs Terminator" (for both Genesis and SNES) goes a long way towards making me believe that decent 2d graphics are better than crappy 3d graphics. Anyway, in this PC game you play as Robocop and have to deal with a large number of thugs and criminals, usually through extreme violence. There are a decent number of female enemies mixed in with the males, although I don't know if there are more types than this one or if there are many more in the later levels, as I was only able to make it past stage one. Anyway, this female enemy often carries a bigger gun than the male enemies, but she also seems more likely to surrender than the male enemies:

Next we have the zako from both the Genesis and the SNES versions of "Robocop vs Terminator". The Genesis version shows more skin and is defeated in a gory fashion (unfortunate, but then again all the enemies in this game die with lots of blood). However, she only shows up if you enter a code in the game (Pause, then CBA BBA BBC BBCC BBC BCA CCAAA BBB ACA). She's also got a ridiculously hot body and I'd rather invite her to have a drink than shoot her, but I guess Robocop has to put business before pleasure.
Robocop vs Terminator Genesis Zako.png

The SNES version shows up without entering any code, and she is by far the most common enemy in the first stage of the game. She does not show as much skin as the Genesis version, but she still looks smoking hot in my opinion. Skintight catsuits are cool with me. :)
Like all the enemies in this game, she explodes like a robot rather than dying with blood, but she still screams in a very human way, so I'm not sure what the developers were aiming for.
Robocop vs Terminator SNES Zako.png

Anyway, both the Genesis and the SNES versions of this zako are pretty hot in my opinion, but there is something about their "defeat" animations that seems very vulnerable and pitiful (especially the one for the SNES version when she is hit while crouching). I think that is one of the main things I notice about a female zako: how she goes from being aggressive and threatening to totally weak and vulnerable when defeated, and I guess I feel a bit of sympathy for them.
Anyway,it seems a little strange having Robocop run around slaughtering massive numbers of evil but weak and vulnerable blondes in skimpy clothes.
Here's a video comparing the two versions of this zako:

Lastly, the movie Robocop 3 has a part where a bunch of criminal punks backed up by private military thugs are running around being all evil and destructive, until they are gunned down by Robocop on a jetpack (seriously). There are a couple of female punks among them, although they are not anything like the video game depictions unfortunately. I don't have clips, and I don't recall anything about this movie being worth watching, but just to be thorough here are some pics of the female punks that are taken down by Robocop. The first one skips around shooting randomly, and when she's shot by Robocop she falls out of the screen except for her legs in the bottom left corner. The second one also skips around shooting randomly, and she falls out of the screen entirely. A few more (one with the giant red mohawk seen in the background of the second pic and the one in the last two parts of the second pic) that disappear entirely when the shooting starts.
Robocop 3 Zako 1.png Robocop 3 Zako 2.png Robocop01.png Robocop11.png Robocop12.png Robocop13.png

So there, that's all the Robocop zako I can find. I know that there was another Robocop game that featured a female enemy that only shows up one time, riding on the back of a motorcycle, but I could not find that one. Maybe someone else can?
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Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010


Ryonani Teamster
May 29, 2011
Here's one from Warriors Orochi 3 (didn't read the thread to check if it was already posted). As one of the bonuses you get after clearing a stage there is a mod which allows you to turn all enemy soldiers into female ninjas or female samurai inside Musou Battlefields mode. Enemy officers still remain true to their original entry-


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 24, 2009
can you elaborate further? where did you get that? cause i have the game and i'm not sure exactly what you're talking about.


Ryonani Teamster
May 29, 2011
Okay, here is how you can access that edit feature. When you boot up the game, go to:
- Musou Battlefields
- Edit Battlefield
- Create New
- Now select any of the battlefelds you already cleared in story mode
- Add elements
- Press RB twice to access Enemy Forces tab
- scroll down until you see "Enemy Soldiers - female ninjas" and "Enemy Soldiers - female samurai"
- Edit the stage however you see fit with the remaining amount of Edit points, save the stage and then play it while you slaughter countless girl ninjas=D

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